"Clarity." James Part 6:

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"Okay, so my first question, out of common courtesy, how are you guys?" They all laughed and Carlos said

"We're doing pretty good, thanks. How about you and Darcy?"

"Amazing, now." Darcy smiled, looking straight at Logan. I laughed a little and pulled out my phone.

"Okay, I got a few questions from Twitter that people wanted to know, annnd," I saw someone ask who was single and who wasn't. "Who all is single?" Kendall raised his hand, and I smiled a little, then James said

"I'm actually very recently single." Oh. Then, I saw Logan looking over at Darcy as Carlos said

"I've been dating Alexa for a few months now, and she's probably the best thing that's ever happened to me." I aww'd a little, and then Logan said

"And, I'm very recently taken." All the guys looked surprised, then Kendall said

"What?! Who?!" My jaw dropped a little, pretending I didn't already know, and I saw Darcy smiling. Go Logan!

Logan said "I wasn't going to tell you guys anytime soon but I am dating Darcy for quite awhile now!" They all gasped and Kendall stood up and pretended to be dramatic and he said "How could you Logan? How could you keep a precious secret away from us?" He pretended to fake cry and I thought this was the funniest thing on the planet and Logan was playing along and he said "I am sorry I broke you heart man!" Logan got up to give Kendall a hug and Kendall lightly pushed him away and said "We are over." I couldn't help but to laugh and James put his hand on top of mine and he said "I am so sorry you have to see their stupidity." I looked down at his hand and it covered mine perfectly. I started to blush and he took his hand off of mine and leaned back into his chair.

I cleared my throat and I said "Well since that was done next question! Here is another simple one! Do you have any pets?" I looked at Carlos and he said "Yes I do have a dog and her name is Sydney! We are constantly on the go so don't really get to spend as much time as I would like with her." I nodded and I said "James?" He smiled and he said "I have an Alaskan Klee Kai and I swear when people look at him and go what a cute little husky I just want to just jump off the nearest cliff. Like does he look like a husky to you? Come on like seriously!" Kendall patted his shoulder and he said "Alright there calm down before you pop a vein this is why we don't talk about Fox." I said "So your dog's name is Fox?" He nodded and he said "Perhaps I'll let you meet him after!" I nodded and I said "That would be lovely!" He winked at me and I couldn't help but smile. I don't know what it is about James but I cannot be in the same room as him. I feel like I cannot control my actions.

I blinked a few times and I asked Kendall if he had any pets and he said "I have 2 dogs and a pet pig and a turtle and a snake." I shivered at the thought of having a snake as a pet. I said "I give you props for having a snake. I would never ever in a billion years even if you paid me would I ever own a snake." He shrugged and he said "It is not as bad as it seems! Just he looks scary that's all!" I nod and I said "You also mentioned you have a pet pig! What is it like having a pet pig?" Kendall said "Yuma is a wonderful pet and eats really healthy! She is amazing!" I smiled and I said "That is adorable and finally Logan do you have a pet?" He laughed and he said "Does a skateboard count?" I smiled and I shook my head and I said "No! Alright just a few more questions to ask!" I said "What is your favorite thing about being on the road! Let's start this time with Logan?"

Logan said "Hmm this is a difficult question! I would personally saying being able to see how many fans show up to each and every one of our shows. I mean it still amazes me that there are literally thousands of people out there singing and dancing with us it just blows my mind." I nodded and I said "Kendall?" He said "We wouldn't be where we are without our Rushers. They are the best and we can always count on them. But I would say being about to interact with them for a little bit before the show and being able to play at their venue has always been my favorite part about being on tour Being able to see different faces and hear different stories about how we changed their lives is always heart warming." I said "Awee I can see how you are the most sweetest person! James?" He said "You know every day we wake up not knowing what state or city we are in and I think that the anticipation and to be able to get yourself pumped for the show is the best thing. These Rushers came to spend their time with you they could be doing better things but they chose to come and sing and dance with us and I love them for that." I smiled and I said "And finally Carlos." He said "I am going to keep my little speech short and simple and say just being able to spend time with the fans and sing the songs that they want to hear and be able to just rock out with them and have a good time."

I nodded and I continued asking questions such as if they had 10 minutes to live what they would do, Favorite thing about Rushers, Future Careers, and many more questions. I said "Well thank you for sitting down and telling me about yourselves. They all nodded and said "anytime." I said "Great job! Hey James! Can I see Fox?" He nodded and he said "Yeah do you mind coming to my room with me?" I shook my head and I said "Not at all!" We walked to his room and I saw Fox for the first time and he was the most cutest thing on this planet. James said "Hey (Yn)?" I stood up and I said "Yes James?" Next thing I noticed was his stroking my cheek and leaning in to kiss me with his soft lips. I got taste of his chapstick and he is an amazing kisser. Was this a way of him trying to tell me something?

Clarity. (Kendall Schmidt Imagine)Where stories live. Discover now