"Clarity." James Part 4:

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She sighed a little, then smiled a little at me and said

"I better get packing then, right?"

"I knew you'd see it my way." I laughed. Darcy laughed a little again, then walked into her bedroom and started packing. I felt my phone buzz, and I saw it was an unknown number.

"Hey! It's JT, I just wanted you to A) have my number, and B) tell you I'm available for an interview next Tuesday, the day before the LA concert. And I can give you the tickets then. :)" Justin Timberlake texted me. He sent me a smiley face with it. My inner fangirl was rolling on the floor dying.

"That sounds perfect! How's 11?"

"Splendid! I'll see you then!" I smiled wide and set my phone down. Meeting and texting Justin Timberlake. Going to MSG tomorrow with Darcy, and FINALLY meeting her boyfriend. Nothing could ruin this day.

*Next Morning*

We had a early flight to New York City! I had never been there before so I was really excited on going! I grabbed my suitcases and I put them in the car and Darcy came down with 5 suitcases. I looked at her and I said "Are all of these suitcases really necessary?" She nodded and she said "Yeah!! It's everything you need for the week!" I said "I can never understand you." She laughed at me and she said "You never will." We got into the car and drove to the airport. We went through security which I thought was crazy and we waited for our flight to be called. We sat and did some people watching and eventually got bored and decieded to go to the bathroom and Starbucks to get something to wake us up.

Darcy and I got Starbucks and she said "Are you ready for this?" I looked at her confused and I said "What do you mean am I ready for this?" She shrugged her shoulders and she said "I mean its your first big interview and you're meeting my boyfriend. It could be a little too much and I just wanted to know if you were going to be able to handle it!" I said "Of course but your boyfriend might get grilled with questions." She looked at me and she said "Please don't embarrass me! I really like him and I don't need you scaring him away."

I put my hands up in a defeat and I said "Alright alright I promise I won't be too harsh on him!" They called us to board and the flight was soo long! It was an 8 hour flight and I thought that I was going to jump out of the plane after 2! There wasn't much you could do on a plane! I wasn't tired because I just had a big cup of coffee! I listened to some music and Darcy was next to me sound asleep! I decided to take a picture and tweet it! She'll probably kill me for it later but that is okay!

*8 hours later*

We have finally arrived in the Big Apple also known as New York City! This is the city that never sleeps! Well I can tell because there is so many people and cabs! We got off the plane and it was freezing! I already missed the warm weather in Los Angeles! Darcy and I took a cab to our hotel and we went and relaxed for a bit. She looked at me and she said "Did you want to go grab lunch?" I nodded and I said "Please!" We searched the internet to see where some good places to eat were. We came across a little sandwhich shop so we went in there and had a sandwhich with iced tea. The food here is way too overpriced but as long as if it were food I could care less. I would pay $10 for a sandwhich. As long as if was good which this sandwhich was very delicious.

I laid next to Darcy and saw that ever since we stepped foot into his hotel she had been attached to her phone. I asked in curiosity "Who are you on the phone with?" She smiled and she said "My boyfriend! He is staying at the same hotel as us! So I told him our room number and he said he is on his way up." I nodded and I said "Cant wait!" We laid down we watched NCIS and Darcy watched Twisted and we heard a knock on the door! Darcy bolted for the door and I looked back and watched her open it. She opened it and kissed the male figure and she brought him in. My jaw dropped when I saw who it was. It was Logan Henderson. From Big Time Rush. How is this possible? She is dating a celebrity. Could this be? Please tell me she's joking!

Clarity. (Kendall Schmidt Imagine)Where stories live. Discover now