"Clarity." James Part 22:

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He nodded and kissed me again, before we finished our Stromboli, and left the mall. We drove back to James's house, and after we got out of the car, we had a mini heated make out session on his car. After that, I started heading home. I saw Darcy and Logan sitting on the couch, and they were both staring at the TV.

"Hey guys." I said, and Darcy turned to me and said

"You better come look at this." I almost ran over to the TV, and E! News was talking about James Maslow's mystery girl, that they saw at the mall with him. And the pictures were of us holding hands, and then one of us kissing. Oh shit. Then I felt my phone buzzing in my pocket again. Oh shit, it's Kendall.

"Fuck, it's Kendall, what do I do?"

"Answer it!" They both hissed a little, and I sighed. Then, I took another deep breath and hit answer.

I answered the phone and said "Hey baby! What's up?" The sound in Kendall's voice had some disappointment with some slight anger and I didn't know how to approach this properly. He said "I was bored so I decided to watch some TV and as I was flipping through the channels and I happen to see a picture of what looks to be like my girlfriend holding hands with my best friend who is like a brother to me." I sighed and I said "Kendall I can explain." He said "Wait I'm not done want to know the best part?" I stayed silent and let him finished his rant before talking. He continued and said "There was a picture of my girlfriend kissing him too."

I sighed and I said "Kendall please stop." I was on the verge of tears and Logan stroked my back to keep me calm. He said "What were you thinking (YN) why would you even do that?" I whispered "Its because I love him." Kendall said "You love him? Thats funny a few days ago you told me that you loved me. Okay do you know how it feels when you see someone you absolutely love kiss someone else?" I said "I'm sorry Kendall." He said "Me too." He hung up and I felt like I didn't have any words to say. I felt so empty and numb. I lost someone who I truly cared about and the feeling let me tell you completely sucked.

Logan pulled me into his chest and kissed my hair and tried to comfort me and I cried into his chest. I felt like a horrible person for doing what I did. But I only did it because I wanted to be with the one I love and it was James. He said "It's going to be okay baby. He is just heated at the moment and he didn't mean to snap at you. Just give him some time to think about it and then when he's ready he'll talk." I nodded and Logan said "Why don't you take a walk or something?" Darcy shook her head no and she said "I dont think that is a good idea."

I said "It's alright. I'm going to go upstairs and lay down." Darcy nodded and she said "I'll wake you up later to eat!" I nodded and I went upstairs and laid down on my bed. I felt my phone buzz and I saw I had a message from Kendall. I threw my phone on the floor and I just buried my face into the covers and I fell asleep.

*Few hours later*

I woke up to someone slowly stroking my back and I woke up and freaking out. I heard a voice that sounded familiar. I turned around and I said "James?" He smiled and he said "Im sorry I startled you princess. But babe are you okay? Logan told me what happened and Im not very happy with Kendall but all I care about is that you are okay." I nodded and I said "I'll be okay." He kissed my forehead and he said "Go back to bed baby. Its almost midnight." He slowly got up and I grabbed his hand and I said "Please stay with me." He nodded and crawled in bed and he cuddled with me and I fell asleep in his arms not having to worry about being alone.

*Next Morning*

I woke up and James wasn't next to me anymore. I found a note on the pillow. I picked up the note and it said "Every second, I think of you.

Every minute, I'm longing for you.

And each morning I wake up, I want to see you. I love you! Good morning! Get ready we are going out ;) Xoxo JM" I smiled and showered and put on a sundress and I went downstairs.

Darcy smiled and she said "Someone lookks beautiful. Where are you going Mrs. Maslow?" I shrugged my shoulders and I said "Im not sure. And did you just call me Mrs. Maslow?!" She nodded and she said "I wouldn't be surprised if you married him! You guys would look so cute." I started to laugh and the doorbell rang. I walked away from Darcy and I said "You are crazy." She yelled from the kitchen "You just mad you are not me." I gave her a confused look and opened the door and did not expect who I saw to be standing there. I gasped and said "Kendall."

Clarity. (Kendall Schmidt Imagine)Where stories live. Discover now