"Clarity." James Part 10:

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I nodded, then Austin started saying good night to everyone. Kendall looked over at me, and held his arms out.

"Can I have a good luck hug?" I laughed and nodded, then he pulled me into his arms. Oh wow. His hugs are amazing. Then, he pulled back a little and looked into my eyes. He pulled my head into his, and he kissed me softly. Wow. His lips taste amazing. And these sparks are as big as when I kissed James.

"Please welcome, BIG TIME RUSH!" The announcer yelled and the girls started screaming. Kendall pulled back immediately and went onto the stage. Holy shit.

"Aww, that was a cute moment. Are you guys dating?" I heard Halston ask me.

"No, but he is a sweet guy." She smiled and stood next to me, watching the guys.

"You guys should totally date, I ship it. Then we can be best friends and go on double dates." Double dates. Did her and James get back together?

I didnt know what to think. If James still had feelings for Halston why on earth would he kiss me? Or was he just caught in the moment. But what gets me is that when I kissed him it felt like I needed his kiss like it was my cure to whatever disease I had. I looked at Halston and I said "Halston?" She said "Yes?" I said "About that double date I think it would be a great idea!" She smiled and she said "That is great! How does tomorrow night sound? We can do dinner and a movie?" I said "Perfect!" I had a little plan in my head to test whether or not James has feelings for me.

The boys finished performing and I ran to Kendall and he smiled and he said "Hey princess." I pulled him in for a kiss making sure James was watching. James glanced over and the look he had on his face wasn't a happy one. He looked upset. Halston grabbed his hand and walked with him and I pulled back and I looked up at Kendall and I said "Kendall would you like to be my date tomorrow for dinner and a movie?" He smiled and he said "Of course! I would do anything to spend some time with you!" I smiled and he said "Come on I'll walk you back to your room and make sure you get back safe and sound." I nodded and I grabbed his hand and we walked back to the hotel and up to my room. He stroked my cheeks and he said "Go get some sleep love. I will pick you up tomorrow at 6!" I nodded and he kissed my cheek and I smiled and went inside!

When I went inside I saw Darcy laying in bed and I started jumping on the bed and she said "Uhm excuse you your bed is over there! Why are you so happy?!" I said "Because this girl is going on a date tomorrow!" She lifted her head as fast as she could and she said "DATE WITH WHO?! I WANT DETAILS NOW!!" I sat down and I said "Tomorrow night Im going on a double date with James and Halston and me and Kendall." She looked at me and she said "(Yn) think about it. I know you have a little plan in that little head of yours. What are you going to do get James jealous?" I nodded and I said "Exactly what I am going to do! I am going to play a little game and have fun with it." She looked at me with a concerned face and she said "I feel bad for Kendall he truly has feelings for you and you cant play with his emotions."

I sighed and I said "We will all be okay I promise!" She said "Alright get some sleep you and I are going out for breakfast tomorrow to work on our reports." I nodded and I crawled into bed and I laid there and thought about how tomorrow is going to work out. But one thought that would not leave my mind was....What if I fall in love with Kendall instead and forget about James? Well I have to be very careful and I have to use my mind in certain situations.

*Next Morning*

I woke up to the sun shining bright through the curtains and I pulled the covers over my head. I heard a knock on the door and I groan and threw a pillow at Darcy and she jumped up and her hair was literally a mess and she was like "What was that for?" I said "Someone is knocking on the door." She got up and answered the door but instead she came with a vase full of red roses. She said "These are for you!" She handed me an envelope and I gave her a confused look and I opened the envelope and pulled out a card that said " If I had a rose for every time I thought of you, I'd be picking roses for a lifetime. ~ Kendall" Wow. This was totally not what I expected.

Clarity. (Kendall Schmidt Imagine)Where stories live. Discover now