"Clarity." Kendall FINALE:

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I knocked on the door, and stood there for a few seconds. It was starting to get cold, since it was about 1 AM, so I just bundled up a little. I heard the door start to open, and Kendall looked up at me with red eyes, he's been crying a lot.

"Oh, hi (Yn)."

"May I come in?" Kendall nodded and let me through. I looked around the house, and he hasn't started cleaning up at all.

"Why are you here so late?" Kendall asked, his voice shaking a little.

"Please don't cry," I whispered as I went closer to him. "You know I've always wanted you."

"Where's your engagement ring?" He asked, surprised.

"I gave it back."


"Because I love you."

"(Yn). Please don't say that unless you really mean it. Because I can't handle that pain again."

"I promise you I'm not, and I won't. Kendall, I love you." He started to cry again, and I pulled him into my lips, and he wrapped his arms tightly around my waist.

"I love you too." He murmured.

*A few months later*

I could not have imagine life without Kendall. He is so loving and supporting. We were now expecting our first child together and I could tell that he was very nervous. We were laying in bed and his hand was on my belly and I stroked his hair and I knew something was on his mind. I said "Hey babe?" He looked up at me and he said "Yes?" I said "What is going through your mind?" He sighed and he said "I am just nervous about being a dad. I mean I have been reading all these books and I don't know I am just scared that our baby won't like me." I chuckled at his statement and said "Kendall this baby will love you no matter what you are his father and you are awesome. Kendall Francis Schmidt you are the best dad to be and the best future husband." He looked at me with a weird expression on his face and he said "You would want to marry me?" I nodded and I said "I would marry you in a heartbeat you are so loving and you are always there when I need you." He smiled and leaned in for a kiss. He then wrapped his arms around me and told me to get some sleep.

I am glad to be with the man I love. He is perfect in my eyes and he makes me feel beautiful even though I may have insecurities. The cute moments when he would just start singing Covergirl when I am looking in the mirror and I am just hopelessly in love with him. He can look me in the eyes and tell me he loves me and I know that everything will be alright. His family are loving and supporting. His mom and I are really close and she's excited for her grandchild. The fight between her, papa Schmidt, Kevin, and Kenneth on who is going to spoil the baby more have been endless. I loved the Schmidt family. My life was just perfect and there was nothing I would change about it.


It was getting pretty chilly and the baby was getting huge. Kendall had a surprise that my eyes needed to be covered. He put his hands on my eyes and he whispered in my ear "Do you trust me?" I said "But Kendall what if I fall?" I said a small laugh and he said "Baby I will catch you when you fall I promise nothing is going to hurt you." I nodded and we took small steps into the destination where he has this surprise. We were walking for what felt like an eternity and once I heard my heels started clicking we were either outside or hardwood floor. He said "Just a few more minutes we are almost there." We continue walking and I stopped and he said "Keep your eyes close." I felt his hands leave my eyes and he said "Okay babe open them." I opened them and saw this beautiful house that was lit from top to bottom and I gasped and I turned around and found Kendall on one knee.

Kendall took a deep breath and he said "(YN), I don't even know where to begin. I love you so much and I am thankful for everyday that I have you in my life. I wouldn't imagine spending it with anyone else. You make me feel whole. I love you sooo much. Will you marry me?" I felt a single tear leave my cheek and I nodded and Kendall slipped the ring onto my finger. He hugged me and picked me up and kissed me. He said "Don't you love our new house?" I nodded and I said "It is perfect just like you, just like me, just like us." Life was simply beautiful nothing in the world can ruin this amazing moment right now.

Clarity. (Kendall Schmidt Imagine)Where stories live. Discover now