Doctor says what!?

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When the bell rings dismissing us for lunch, I'm the first one to jump out of my seat and run out of math class. I know exactly what you're thinking, I know math sucks Sky, but what's the rush?? No, no, it's not a rush, it's that this girl needs to get the hell out of every single one of her classes as fast as possible because so far, Tristan has the exact same schedule as me. Why, is the question I don't have the answer to, because I only had one class with him so far this year, and that, was art class. And even then, he never even paid attention to me and knew who I was. It seems like ever since he stepped on my face this morning, he's been trying to make my life even more of a hell hole then what it already is.

Walking down the hall way, after running out of math class, I go to my locker and shove all of my morning class books and folders in there, and take out the ones for my last 2 classes of the day. As I'm closing my locker, someone calls out to me to wait, but I don't, because I know exactly who it is. I'm trying to walk as fast as I can, but he grabs my arm and turns me around.

"You can't keep acting like this Sky, I don't like it. I know what I did to you this morning with Jarred was wrong but,--" And that, is where his sentence is interrupted because Jarred, apparently that's his name, walks up to us with all the other jocks and they smile, looking down at me.

"Well, well, well if it isn't little miss freak. Glad you could catch her Tris, it would have taken us forever, to find her and we might haven even of had to wait till after school to be able to see her." As he's saying this, Tristan is just looking at me with this sorry look in his eyes, and I knew right then that he set me up, he knew they were coming and he made me wait.

I'm trying to pull my arm away from him, but it's no use, he's so much stronger than me. "I hope you don't think that you're going anywhere sunshine, I want to have a little fun with you." Jarred says harshly while taking my backpack and throwing it on the ground. "I think you need to be taught what respect is, and the consequences of what happens when you don't listen. Especially when you were rude to Tristan's girlfriend, Jade, this morning." What?, I think, the only girl I was rude to was that girl this morning, and then its' like a huge slap to the face. He's going out with her?! Oh my warped tour, you have got to be kidding me!

"Oh, by the look on your face Sky, I'm going to guess that you didn't know he was going out with her. I mean, it should have been a wakeup call from when she stared talking about how he didn't care and wasn't going to come and help you. I mean really, you need to pay attention to the finer details." I just look down as the tears brim at the bottom of my eyes, "I-I-I'm r-really sorry for that, b-but please don't hurt m-m-me." I whisper while stuttering.

"But you really need to be taught better. I mean what's the fun in just letting you go?" Jarred ask me. I don't know what to say, so I just stay silent. Apparently jarred and his buddies don't like that because one of them slaps me across the face. "YOU ANSWER SOMEONE WHEN THERE TALKING TO YOU BITCH!" Jarred yells at me. I just nod my head still looking down at the floor. Tristan's grip on my arm goes lose then it's completely gone, and in the same moment I'm thrown into the lockers. I cry out in pain as my head hits the hard metal locker and I crumple to the ground.

It hurts so bad, but I don't cry out again, or cry because that's all they want, they want me to cry. But I won't give them the satisfaction of knowing there breaking me down. I just lay there, not moving or trying to get up, because I already know it will result in me throwing up. Everything I try and look at is blurry and disoriented and it makes my head pound horribly.

"Get the fuck up whore! We haven't even started anything." Someone shouts at me but I can't really tell who it is. I try and say something but only sound comes out. "Alright, stay on the ground then." The same person says, then their foot it's down on my stomach with such force, I can't help but cry out. But there not stopping. One after another, about 12 to 15 feet stomp and kick my stomach. By this point I can't help but turn over, and cough. Something warm hits the hand I was using to cover my mouth, and when I pull away, there's blood on my hand.

The jock and the emo are what!? [UNDER EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now