More damage, Less recovery

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So I'm writing this before I see my best friend tomorrow, but by the time this is finished and up I'll already have seen her. I hate that she can't stay over. I don't ever get to see her often....


*Sky's POV*

Pain. All I can feel is this dull ache coursing through my body. 'Why did this have to happen to me?' I think while trying to open my eyes or do something.

All I can hear is this dreadful beeping somewhere in the room and it's quiet loud.

After a couple minutes I stop struggling to open my eyes and settle for trying to make some type of noise because I can here someone in the room with me. As I try and open my mouth to groan my throat starts to burn at my useless attempt.

Once I realize there's nothing I can do to possibly have that person come over to me, I try and remember why I'm in this uncomfortable bed, breathing in this sterile air almost choking on it.

The last thing I remember is driving on the highway headed towards the mall and then it's all black after that.

As I struggle to remember what had happened, the door burst open and I hear my mother.

"My baby!! My poor baby!! What had they done to you!?!!", she cries out, as she rushes to the bed, her heels clicking on the tile floor.

She picks up my right hand and clings to it like her life depends on it while she starts to cry. I wish I could open my eyes and talk to her and tell her everything's gonna be okay. That I'm going to be okay, even though I know I'm not. There's more damage done to me than she'll ever know. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

*Tristan's POV*

I just stand there. I can't seem to move from my spot in the door way. All I can do is look at her. My Sky. My poor fragile Sky. How could anyone want to hurt someone as sweet as her? 'You did it you asshole,' I think to myself.

I shake my head a little and just look at her. She looks so peaceful like this, even if she has a cast on her arm and leg. I feel awkward just standing there, so I decide to move into the room and on the other side of Sky. When I pull up a chair and sit next to her, I feel this pain in my chest and I feel guilty.

If I never would have left her during the summer I never would have met Jade and maybe I would have ended up asking Sky out on a date, and we would be happy. But no, here we are, in a hospital with my best friend injured to the extreme because I'm a tool and said I didn't want anything to do with her. God, I remember that day so vividly.

~Flashback to summer~

I groan as my phone rings waking me up from my wonderful wonderful bed.

'Hello?', I say gruffly sitting up in bed.

'Well don't you have a sexy morning voice,' Jade purrs into the phone, 'have you talked to her yet?'

'No, do I really have to, she's my best friend.'

The jock and the emo are what!? [UNDER EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now