Fuck the first day

699 19 4

Last update was super short and I'm going to try and make this one as long as possible. :*


*Blaze's POV*

"Sky? Sky are you okay?" I grab her by her small shoulders and shake her, causing her whole frame to vibrate and sending her out of her surprised state.

"Here," she says, thrusting a small package into my hands, "give this to your sister when she gets home." And with that, she runs off my porch, into the car, and speeds away.

Strange, I close the door and walk into the house, leaving Jades' package on the counter, and walking to the fridge to make me something to eat.

A couple hours later, the front door opens and then slams shut, and I know it's my psycho twin sister.

"Blaze? Are you home?"

"Yeah, there's a package for you on the kitchen."

She comes and plops down on the couch next to me and gives me a hug. "You don't know how much I really missed you."

"I missed you too."


*Sky's POV*

Her brother. Blaze is Jade's brother. I just can't. How can she bully me when her brother is just like me? I sniffle and wipe away the tears running down my cold pale cheeks. I don't know what to do anymore, I sigh and get up from the park bench and start the short walk back to my house.

No matter what I'm wearing, it doesn't stop the November wind from chilling me to the bone. I hate living in Texas. One day you're dying of heat stroke, and the next you're wearing everything in your closet to no freeze to death. Sometimes, I just wish I could stop everything, and move to San Diego, it's so nice there all year round.

I walk up the porch steps and open the front door, to find the house completely empty. I sigh and kick off my converse by the door and make my way into the kitchen to make me a sandwich.

Let me tell you something, trying to balance a glass plate with a sandwich and a pickle on it, a bag chips, a cup of sweet tea, and a stack of AP magazines, while going up the stairs to the second floor of your home, is not easy at all. I dropped my sandwich and my magazines while trying to get to my room. L

After cleaning up and making myself a new sandwich, which was not as good looking as the first one and tasted weird, I laid down on my bed and read Alternative Press till I fell asleep.


*Jade's POV*


I slam my hand down on my alarm clock and move around until I'm comfortable in my tangle of sheets and close my eyes and start to drift off to sleep again.

My bedroom door is pushed open and it hits my wall with a loud smack. I looked over and seen Blaze standing in the doorway just looking at me.

"Dude stop being a creep and go away. I'm trying to sleep."

"No. Get up we have school."

"I don't wanna go and you know it. It's not that big of a deal, it's just school."

"I don't care, it's my first day back at high school since December of freshman year, and I wanna experience it with my twin sister."

"Ugh fine, get out so I can get ready."

I roll out of bed as he leaves and shuts my door.

I trudge into the bathroom, and turn on my curling iron on so it could heat up. After finishing my usually morning wake up routine, I grab my curling iron and turn my bed head into light brown ringlets cascading down my back.

Walking out of the restroom, I skip into my closet and find a cute royal purple dress that has a beaded top and a flowy type of bottom that stops mid-thigh. I slip it on, and find a pair of royal purple flats that match and smile to myself as I walk out of my room and down the stairs to the kitchen for family breakfast.

"Morning everyone!" I say as I walk into the kitchen and take a seat at the table.

Dad moves his newspaper out the way and smiles at me, "Morning pumpkin. Ready for your brother to be back at school with you?"

"Yeah! It's gonna be so much fun. We have the same schedule right daddy?"

He nods at me just as Blaze walks into the kitchen and takes a seat beside me.

"Hellooooooooo my wonderful family."

I smirk at him while mom comes over and brings everyone a plate with eggs, bacon, and mini pancakes.

"You ready for your first day as a sophomore honey?," she asks while sitting down at the breakfast table next to dad.

"Yeah, just a little nervous since I don't really know anyone anymore."

I laugh at his response and almost choke on my grape juice in the process.

He turns to glare at me, "What's so funny Jade?"

"Just that you actually think no one is going to remember you and who you are. Are you kidding me? You remember everyone and everyone remembers you, it's also kinda hard for them to forget since we're twins and all." I say, even though that's not what I was actually thinking.

He just shakes his head at me and doesn't say anything else. As soon as we finish our breakfast, we grab our bags and head into the garage towards my car.

Half way to school, Blaze finally decides to break the silence, "Do you think everyone is going to be happy to see me?"

I sigh and look at him out of the corner of my eye, knowing exactly who he's talking about.

"Of course, no one wouldn't stop talking about it since I said you were coming back. Especially a certain someone very near and dear to your heart." His cheeks become a slight shade of pink and I smile.

I turn into the student parking lot of Eastman high, as soon as I look at the front steps I slam on my breaks and just stare.


"That bitch," I whisper under my breath.


I swear, I think you guys are starting to hate me because I've been leaving cliff hangers, I know my friends are always getting mad when I do this, but how can I not? What's the fun in telling you all of what happens in one chapter, plus it leaves suspense for some of yall.

Till next time my lovelies,

~Madi :*

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