Give me your heart and your hand

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*Tanners POV*

Taking a deep breath, I move quietly along the dark gates trying not to let the screwdriver in my hand hit the metal pole and make noise to catch attention.

I can’t fucking believe I’m doing this, I think to myself as I continue to look both ways for anyone and making my way towards the window at the back of the building where Sky’s room is. Reaching her window, I tap the pads of my fingers on the glass trying to catch her attention.

After a few minutes I see her petite figure start to stir on her bed. She told me she might be asleep when I came to get her, but I never expected her to be this hard to wake up. She’s already dressed to go for god’s sake!

Sighing, I take the screwdriver and start to unscrew everything that’s holding the burglar bars onto the outside of her windowsill. How dumb can you be to actually put screws on the outside for easy access?

Shaking my head, I let my dark hair fall into my eyes for a moment before I move it out of my way and continue the task at hand. After about 10 minutes, all of the screws are removed and I can lift the bars away from her window. Picking up the bars, I stumble around hoping they don’t crush me, until I drop them into the grass with a light thud.

Making my way back to Sky’s window, I jump slightly when I see her standing there with a butter knife in her hand. Looking at her quizzically, I make eye contact and she gives me a small smile that makes me feel warm inside.

Watching her for a few minutes, she slides the butter knife around the window a few time before she smiles at me and makes a lifting gesture with her hands. After a few failed attempts, I finally pull the window up and come face to face with Sky.

“Hey,” she says softly, looking down.

I use my finger and put it under her chin, lifting it so she makes eye contact with me. “Hey crazy girl.”

Giving a soft laugh, she pushes me away from her and climbs out the window, shutting it behind her.

“I’m not crazy, I’m just special,” she says softly walking away from me.

“You are special,” I whisper into her ear as I wrap my arms around her waist.

“Oh,” she breathes out as she turns around in my arms so we’re face to face.

Closing the space between us, I lean down so our foreheads are touching and our warm breaths mingling together. If she wasn’t in my arms, I never would have noticed her shiver as she closed her beautiful eyes. While her eyes are closed, I don’t hesitate to capture her lips in mine.

Just as I’m about to pull away, she wraps her arms around my neck. After a few more seconds, I pull back and rest my forehead against hers again.

“M-maybe we should get going.”

“Oh, um yeah,” I say softly looking away from her.

Without saying anything, she laces her fingers between mine and pulls me along the fence line to the area where I had parked my car. Helping her, we start our climb over the 8 foot chain link fence, dropping to the ground on the other side next to my car.

Unlocking the doors, we get into my car and I pull away.

“Let’s get away from here.”

“Yeah,” she says softly, “There’s just a couple stops I need to make first.”


*Tristan’s POV*

Looking outside the living room window, I see a cars headlights come down the street and stop right in front of my house.                             

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