Don't be a whore! Just fight back

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*Sky's POV*

"You young lady, are suspended for 3 days. And don't say it isn't fair. You started the fight." Principle Jones says with disappointment in her voice.

I sigh and just nod because I really don't want to get into a screaming match right now. I bet you're asking yourself, why are you in the principal's office getting suspended for 3 days Skyler, you just got back to school...

If you were at lunch today, you would know, but let's just go back and relive it all again.

*15 minutes before*

Maybe giving Tristan a second chance was a bad idea, I mean everyone has been looking at me all day, some with surprise, some with curiosity, but most with hatred. I understand why though, I mean Tristan has been walking with me to all my classes all morning and keeping an arm around my shoulder or holding my hand. It also doesn't help that some of his jock friends have been walking with us.

Walking into lunch was a whole other situation, I was barely able to walk in the café and get my food before Tristan dragged me over to his table with all his friends.

"I don't want to sit here. Why can't I go and sit where I always do?" I mumble lightly, looking down at the table.

"Cause, I want you, Skyler martin, to sit here and meet with all of my other friends, because no matter what you think, there not bad and scary."

All of the football jocks laugh and smile at me. I giggle and blush slightly while keeping my eyes glued to the table.

"AWWE! TRISTAN! YOU DIDN'T TELL US SHE WAS SO CUTE AND ADORABLE WHEN SHE BLUSHED!" One of the football players shouted out, making my blush deepen.

"Well you guys didn't ask, just bullied." Tristan said looking down. "I didn't ask, just bullied too."

I sigh and pull his hand into mine and squeeze it slightly just to let him know that it's okay. He smiles at me and leans over and kisses my on the cheek. My breathe hitches slightly and I can see his eyes widen in shock.

As I'm about to say something, a piece of pizza comes flying across the table and hits Tristan in the face.

"I told you I wanted to ask her out asshole!" Says one of the football players, who's name I think is Sam, while getting up and walking over. I giggled a little as I watched the Tristan try and wipe all of the pizza off of his face.

When Sam came over by Tris and me, he grabbed the pizza from the table and took a bite out of it.

A bunch of random things were shouted out at him, but I could only catch pieces like


"That's sick Sam!"

"There's a lady at the table asshole!"

I smiled at the last one, but that smile faded when I see Jade storming across the cafeteria shooting daggers at me. I whipped my head back around to face the guys, and pretend like I didn't see anything.

Even though I wasn't looking back at her, I could hear the click-clacking of her heels on the linoleum floor. My heart starts to beat in time with her heels which seem to be moving faster, and getting closer.

"Hey baby", Jade says while sliding into Tristan's lap and kissing him on the lips.

"Get off me Jade. Go find a real seat to sit in, and not my lap." Tristan says harshly while pushing her off.

Her chocolate brown eyes go wide, and she looks and me. "But there's a freak in my seat. Where am I supposed to sit, besides my boyfriend's lap?"

The jock and the emo are what!? [UNDER EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now