This dizzy dreamer

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*Sky's POV*

"How the fuck could I ever think that you were beautiful?" The look in Tanners green eyes is nothing but disgusted.

"You're nothing but a freak. I'm glad I befriended you when I could. But wait, I took you back. How fucking stupid could I be?" Tristan spits out.

"You're a waist of space."


"Emo bitch."


"I hope you die."

There words run together and I can't even tell who's voice belongs to who anymore. There's nowhere to escape, there's nowhere I can go to run from them, to try and make myself feel okay again.

"I can't wait to see the day we put you six feet under because you cut to deep."

I jolt awake in my small twin sized bed, a layer of cold sweat covering my whole body, making me feel sticky.

Throwing my feet over the edge of the bed and standing up, I make my way to the door on the far side of the room and walk out towards Dr.Black's office.

"Hey Skylar," a tall friendly guard says walking past me, towards the front of the building.

I smile politely but say nothing. Seems a bit rude, don't ya think?

Walking down the rest if the corridor and making a few turns, I finally come to a stop in front of Dr.Black's door. Which unilke the rest of the crazy home, while colors vary from a bright white, to a light gray, his office door is a sky blue.

Knocking on the door, I wait. And wait. And wait. Just as I'm thinking about leaving, Dr.Black opens his door.

"Hey Skylar, what brings you to this part of the facility?"

"Remember those sleeping pills we talked about?" I asked stepping into his office.


*Tristan's POV*

I'm nothing but a bad fucking friend. The worst friend anyone could have.

But bad friends don't come all this way to visit someone, my thoughts say.

The jock and the emo are what!? [UNDER EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now