Protection Part 2

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*Tristan's POV*

"Well?"Jade ask

"Um, congratulations Jade.."

When he says congratulations my heart beat starts to speed to an unbelievable rate, and I feel like I'm gonna be sick. But that doesn't stop me from throwing myself at the doctor.

"Congratulations??! What do you mean congratulations?! How far along is she!!?" I screech, most likely sounding like a girl.

The doctor chuckles, I don't understand how this is funny, so I just look at him with a blank expression on my face.

"Well, I'm assuming that you didn't want her to be with child then Mr.Smith," I'm quick to nod my head, " that's exactly why I said congratulations, she isn't pregnant at all. Pregnancy test sometimes give false positives, or in some cases, false negatives. But this was was incorrect by saying she was pregnant."

I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding.

"I guess I'll leave you two to talk, please shut the door when you leave."

He gives me a small nod and leaves the room. When I turn around, I see Jade looking at me with fire in her eyes, even though tears are streaming down her cheeks.

Taking a step closer to her, and try wiping her tears away but she just pulls away from me and shakes her head.

"Don't touch me. I can't believe you."

"What are you talking about baby?"

"Don't call me that either. You're horrible. You're a freaking monster. How could you say that? How could you be so happy that I'm not pregnant with your baby? What if I was? I bet you wouldn't be happy at all. You would be so upset that I let that happen even though it isn't my fault. Is it because I'm not her? Is that it?"

I look her her blankly and try and figure out who she's talking about. But I just can't seem to think if anyone. "Who are you talking about?"

"Skylar! God! Your whole world just freaking revolves around her! Even since she got into that accident, you barely even notice I'm around! You stay here for days on end and have your friends bring you your school work so you won't fail! When we are together you won't touch me, or look at me or anything, because you're on your phone the whole time texting her mom or one of the nurses making sure that she's okay! It's almost been a month and a half since we had sex! That must tell you something."

I just shake my head trying to tell her she doesn't know what she's talking about, trying to tell her she's wrong. Even though we both know she's not.

"What did I do?," she ask her voice barely a whisper, "I just wanna know what I did wrong. What did I do to make you not love me anymore? What did I do to make you start loving her?"

"Nothing," I say wrapping my arms around her pulling her close to my chest, even though she protest, "You didn't do anything wrong, You didn't do anything to make me stop loving you. Sometimes these things just happen. It might have always been that way since we were little, me loving her. I've always been so protective of her. I'm sorry though, I'm not trying to sound happy or excited that you're not pregnant with my baby, but I'm not ready to grow up and be a dad just yet. I need to learn to take care if myself before I could a baby."

We don't say anything else for  while, we just stay like that, with me standing there and holding her close to me, her head resting on my chest.

A little while later, my phone rings once telling me I have a message. Jade pulls herself from me and stands up.

"I guess that's my way of being told to leave," she says smiling, "I guess this is it then Tris, but you better believe that we're still gonna be close and talk though, no matter what." She pulls me in for one last hug and I lean down slightly and kiss her forehead.

"Let's go," I say pulling her out of the room and lead her to the front of the hospital, "Do you need a ride?"

She shakes her head and walks out of the automatic doors, not even looking back.

I sigh and make my way towards the elevator, pulling out my phone, I notice that the message I got was from Sky's mom.

'She woke up.'

My breath hitches in my throat and tap my foot waiting for the elevator to finally stop on her floor. When it stops, I rush out of the door and start running, almost running down a nurse in the process, "Slow down Tristan!", she shouts at me, but I'm not stopping til I reach her.

When I stop outside her her room, I can see her though the small window in place, by the door. Even though I'm still trying to catch my breath, I knock on the door and wait.

" Come in!", her sweet voice rings out.

Opening the door and looking at her, I feel like time stops.

"Skylar," I whisper, while she let's out a blood curdling scream.


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