Are you a burglar? Please say yes

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*Tristan's POV*

Sex. That's it. Sex. I can't believe Jade told Skyler we had sex. It broke my heart when I had seen the look in her beautiful green eyes. She looked so physically hurt when Jade had said it out loud. If it hurts me as bad as it does right now, I can only imagine what Sky's feeling right now. Maybe she's thinking about the promise we made to each other at the start of high school. I fully intended to keep my promise, but ugh I don't know. I'm such an asshole.

I guess I'm gonna go over to Sky's house after school and hopefully be able to explain to her what's going on.

*After school, at Sky's house.*

I've been standing outside of Sky's house, looking at her door for at least 5 minutes, and I feel like a creeper. I take a deep breathe and knock and knock for what seems like forever.

"I'M COMING!!!!!"

My breathing stops and my blue eyes go wide whenever I see Sky standing at the door. She looks so perfect. She's standing there looking at me, with a tight neon blue t-shirt naming a band called Falling In Reverse, a pair of volley ball shorts, and zebra house slippers. I don't think she understands how amazing she looks right now.

"What the fuck do you want Tristan?" She growls, taking me out of my day dream.

"I wanted to talk to you about what happened today in the cafeteria..."

"HA! There's nothing for us to talk about so just get back in your car and go somewhere that has important people."

"I am where there's important people."

She huffs and slams the door in my face, leaving me outside her house, looking like a total idiot.

I sigh and go and sit on the steps of her porch, if I remember right, her dad should be home in a couple minutes because he gets off of work at 4 and is usually home by 4:15.

Looking at my phone, I see that it's 5 o'clock and her dad still isn't here, strange...

*Sky's POV*

'Self-harm, depression, or any mental disorder is not romantic or beautiful. No one is going to come and kiss your scars. Be your own hero, and change your own life. Don't wait for your prince. He's not coming to rescue you from yourself.'

That's one of the best quotes you could ever find, and it's true. A boy, or girl, will come at some point, and care about you, but they won't rescue you from yourself, you have to be the one to try and change your way of thinking. Someone will come along to help you, but you never know when that's going to be and by the time they show up, you may not be around anymore to get help. It sounds hypocritical coming from someone who self-harms, but it's time to make a change in your life and stop listening to the people that try and bring you down. They do it just because they know they can get to you, they do it because you have something they don't, whether it's true love, or friendship, or maybe even a family that cares about you.

You may not know who I am, but I know who some of you are. I care. I truly care about you and what's going on with you and I want to know your problems. I want to be the one to help you through something, because it gets better. In time, it gets better, and time is forever.

I have to cut this post short because I have a ton of homework to do, but I love you guys, and you know how to contact me if you need anything, until next time my lovelies..

~That chick in the corner <3

I sigh, and read over this before posting this online. I have this blog/ advice page called 'That chick in the corner', that I use to write and vent and help people out on. I close my laptop and just sit on the couch listening to the light whistling of the wind outside. I know without even looking out the window, that Tristan is still out there sitting on my front porch, but I refuse to go out there and talk to him or let him in my house.

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