Chapter 6: A Jelly ChimChim

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Once he left to go get ready I went to the table that Lena was at and grabbed her hand to bring her to the front of the stage with me

When we reached the front the music switched to "Blood Sweat and Tears" with Jimin being in the center...

The crowd went wild as soon as they heard the signature beginning notes... I was staring straight at Jimin and it almost felt like he was looking at me...

After his main part, Jungkook came out and did his part while giving a smirk and a wink that made all the fangirls in the crowd go wild, including myself a little bit

Everyone started screaming and shouting "WONHAE MANHI MANHI MANHI!!" After the song ended the lights cut out signalling the change for the next song...

The lights centered on the single silouette of Jimin as he did his solo dance for "Butterfly",  he moved so gracefully and sharp at the same time the crowd was silent just watching him in awe..

After he was done the other members came out from the sides of the stage beginning with Jungkook singing the first verse

As the song went on the beat slowed down and Jungkook sang the main chorus, while he did that each member took out roses from their pockets and walked down from the stage and chose who the lucky lady would be given the delicate flower...

I was so engrossed with the song, I closed my eyes and swayed with the beat that I didn't even realize someone was in front of me until I heard someone clearing their throat...

"Ahem... you know kneeling down like this is kind of tiring after dancing to a complex song... would you do me the honors of accepting this rose so that I can get up?" Jungkook looked up at me from his kneeling position, with the rose right in front of me...

I opened my eyes and gawked at him my brain went into overdrive trying to process what was going on and why he would chose me...

"Umm... sorry for making you wait like this oppa..." I smile at him with flushed cheeks and reach out for the flower... I was too busy with accepting his offer that I didn't see someone else walk off in rage away from the club...

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