Chapter 10: Promise Me

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I immediately step away from Jimin, and shake my head,

"No, you didn't I was just on my way out..." I wave towards Jungkook and then dissappear behind the curtains walking off to where Lena is waiting for me

"Y/N, wait!" I hear Jimin calling after me, I stop and turn back around

I sigh, "Jimin I have to go, my friend is waiting for me right now..."

"I have something that I want to give you, stay right here" he starts running towards the changing room

I take out my phone from my pocket and send Lena a quick text telling her that I will be there in 5 minutes

A couple minutes later he comes back, panting... he hand me a small black box

"Jimin-- I don-" he shushs me by placing his finger on my lips

"Open it" he gestures towards the box

"Okayyy..." I lift the top of the box and my jaw drops in awe of what is inside...

A gorgeous necklace in the shape of a g-clef with a heart in the middle encrusted with small diamonds...

"It's so beautiful..." I softly whisper staring at him...

"Thank you, but why did you want to give this to me?" I ask him puzzled because technically we are strangers and I feel that I don't deserve something as precious as this, because I don't know all about him...

"Here let me help you put it on.. my managernim was going to give this to his gf but she didn't like it, so he gave it to me telling me to give it to the girl with the angel voice that I keep talking about"

he takes the necklace and carefully clasps it in the back, letting it fall in between the center of where my collarbones meet

I turn back around and smile at him, "I love it, I will make sure to keep it with me all the time.." I lift up on my tippy toes and give a peck to his lips

"I should really get going now... my friend is probably freaking out and calling the police thinking that  I have been kidnapped.."
I wave and begin to walk away but stop when he asks me

"Before you leave Busan, please promise me that you will meet me tomorrow at 12pm, my flight back to Seoul isn't until 3"

"I promise" I tell him and cross my heart

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