Chapter 15: "Don't Leave Me"

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"What the hell was that Jimin?!"
I say to him after ripping my wrist out of his grasp
"Why were you so rude to Taemin oppa?

Jimin grinds his teeth, "Dont you dare call him oppa, i bet you liked being so close to him" he sneered

"What is the matter with you? You were the one who came up with this plan to make me jealous"

"And you are always grabbing me so hard that i am left with small bruises... stop hurting me jimin..." I sniffle

He ignores my crying too blinded by his jealousy, although his heart aches at seeing me on the verge of tears
"Yeah, well you hurt me very badly 3 years ago..."
"I want to return the favor..." he grips hard onto both of my cheeks and smashes his lips onto mine, giving me a fiery unwanted kiss...

I struggle to get out of his grip, and try to avoid his lips from going down my neck, when I succeed in being free, I wipe my lips with the back of my hand and then raise my rignt hand in the air, and smack him across the cheek
A loud, "clap" sound resonates from the contact of my hand on his cheek, leaving him with a red handprint on his left cheek

Jimin's POV

"OH shit..... what have i done?"
Tears start falling from her eyes, and she glares at me while saying, "Stay the hell away from me!"
I graze my hair with my hand ashamed of what I did
I take on step toward her outstretching my right hand, "Y/N I'm so-"

"DON'T.. just LEAVE me ALONE" she raises up her hand to make me stop talking and then she goes back inside the building to grab her stuff,  and then she grabs a taxi back to her hotel

Feeling so guilty for what I did to her, I decide to punish myself by drinking away my sorrows...

I decide to go back to that place again....

One bottle turns into two and then two turns into 7 bottles, but I cant get the picture of her crying and saying to leave her alone out of my head...

I ask the lady in charge of the restaurant for one more bottle....

After i drink that last bottle, I call her waiting for her to pick up, "Hello..."
"Sorry Im not here to take your call, please leave your name and number and I will call you back as soon as possible"

Oh its her voicemail....
"Please leave a message after the beep... BEEP"
"Im sorry i was such an a**hole, i just got jealous because of how close you guys looked when you were talking to each other... i lost you once and i dont want that to happen again"
"Please forgive me, i never wanted nor meant to hurt you in anyway..." I say while crying

I leave her 9 voicemails and try calling for 34 more times, but when I give up on calling her I decide to call our maknae

"Hello?" Jungkook asks in a groggy voice since it is 2 in the morning
"Kookie-ah!!!! Come have a drink with your lovely hyyuuunngggg" I slur my words together

Jungkook's POV

"HYUNG, are you drunk?" I ask him afraid of the answer

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