Chapter 19: The Concert💍

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After we left the studio and everything settled down from the run in with his ex, Jimin and I decided to take a day to ourselves and figure out where we wanted to go from here

I waved bye to the boys but they were already starting to practice again to the point where they started sweating so much, that Jungkook brought his shirt up to wipe the sweat off of his forehead...

Omg... I completely forgot Jimin in that moment and stood there frozen in a trance that is his very defined and chiseled 8-pack

He looked like a freakin body builder, but he has the heart of a 10 yr old!

I heard a low rumble and jerked my gaze up to his eyes where he sported an amused look with one eyebrow raised in a teasing manner


"I-i should get going now, Jimin is probably waiting for me... you guys dont work too hard..." I say to the floor completely red in the face from getting caught and for forgetting about my bf...

But could you blame me when the opportunity is right in front of your very own eyes?

Nono... I mentally chastise myself I should be loyal to Chimie

I refuse to call him Chim-Chim since thats what his b**chy ex used to call him

I am nearly out the door fumbling with the handle when I feel someone wrap their arms around me...

I could feel their abs...

Wait, what?!

I turn around and lord help me not to faint Jungkook is shirtless and is giving me this look saying, "You know you want me" he winks at my gawking expression, pleased with himself

I smack his chest, and he winces
"Put a shirt on Kookie oppa" I smirk at his angry expression because he hates being called oppa

Heh! Two can play that game mister

I open the door and saunter down the hall, smiling at my victory

I am greeted with Jimin's eye smile and he runs to pick me up in a hug

He spins me around laughing happily

"Okkkayyy... lets go!" I pinch his cheeks as a signal to put me down

He does so, but grabs my hand and kisses the back of it, my heart going in to overdrive

No other man can make my heart race like he can, no matter how many abs they have he is the one for me, my Chimie~~

Jimin POV

I asked the guys for help with everything, I knew she would come for our comeback concert, but what she doesnt know is that there is a surprise at the end

I take out my phone and start smiling when I flip through the photos of  Y/N sleeping

Soon~~ you will be mine forever
I keep going over the preparations for the concert and other things that I nearly miss our frantic maknae acting all crazy

Jungkook comes running into the changing room frantically looking around for something.. shoving anything onto the table onto the ground...

I grab onto his arms, "Jungkook what is wrong with you?"

He refuses to make eye contact with me, "Hyung.... I-i lost the ring..."


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