Chapter 18: His "Famous" Ex

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Jimin POV

I felt this light pressure on my arm and was going to turn in the direction, but my head was killing me....

I shouldn't have had that many drinks yesterday, I groan removing my arm to grip my head with both my hands

"Good morning~~ how are you feeling?" Damnn~~~ I wanted to enjoy the beautiful sight in front of me but my stomach had other plans...

I rush out of the bedroom and run for the bathroom, where I rid myself of all the toxins I forced down myself last night... ughhh I am never drinking again

Im still groaning and hovering over the toilet when I hear a soft knock and Y/N whispering in a worried tone

"Jimin? Are you okay? Do you want me to bring you some water or medicine?"

"I'm okay, the drinks are exacting their revenge right now..." I stand up and open the door shielding my eyes from the bright sunlight

My head is pounding..

"Here" She hands me a glass of water, but I dont look at the cup instead I look at her...

She is wearing a white tshirt that is see through thanks to the sunlight

Well damnnnnn~~ I think I am sober now my head stopped hurting and now was filled with all these dirty thoughts as I saw her turn around and bend over to fix the covers of the bed

I bit my lip and smirked, enjoying the view tremendously


I was worried when he ran to the bathroom so I grabbed his white tshirt unaware of how thin it was...  

After he got out of the bathroom I went to go get him a glass of water

I handed him the glass but I could feel his gaze was on something else...

Smiling to myself I decide to tease him just a little, I walk straight over to the bed where the spot has the best lighting and I bend over fixing the covers

Its like his gaze is burning through me, and I can feel his smirk... of course I am still shocked when he wraps his arms around my waist pulling me to him

I turn around with his arms still around me, and am met with his signature smirk, "Damn~ girl don't let anyone else see that besides me" he gave me a wink and placed a kiss on my cheek

I grab onto the back of his head and slam my lips onto his, we make out for a little but when I feel his hands creep under the shirt I break the kiss, "Im only yours, come on the boys are probably waiting for us"

I motion a "follow me" gester as I sway my hips to the bathroom pausing at the door...

I turn around to make sure he is still watching me, he cocks his head to the side and crosses his arms waiting for my next move

I smirk at him turn back around, lift the shirt up and off my body and let it fall on the floor

I turn slightly to glance at him, and I watch his confused expression turn into something dark and lustful

I giggle and run into the shower, I can hear his footsteps approaching  faster and faster...

We get changed and head over to the studio where the boys are waiting for us

"What took you guys so long, hmm?" Jungkook wiggles his eyebrows at us

"Did you guys have a nice sleep, or you didn't just "sleep" Jin pinches Jimin's cheeks as they turn red after the question

"For your information you nosy pervs I was just treating his hangover" I smack Jungkook's head and lightly hit Jin's chest

Rapmon comes in and says in a sing-songey voice "Jimin's got jams~~"

"HYUNG!!!!" Jimin finally breaks and begs everyone to stop talking about his private life...

Everyone is laughing and joking around, Jimin is sitting down next to me and has his arm wrapped lightly around my waist as his members make more jokes about him

When the door opens and a girl strolls in squealing in a high voice "Chimmmmmyyyyy~~~~~~~" as soon as she spots Jimin she pulls him out of my grasp and grabs hold of the collar of his shirt and slams her lips onto his

I gape at the sight in front of me, while fuming on the inside I dont give him time to react since he is frozen in his spot from the moment she kissed him

I rip her grasp from him pulling him towards my side, I glare at her,
"Who the f***k are you? What the hell do you think you are doing to my boyfriend?!"

"Excuse me?! He is not your boyfriend! He is mine!! He promised me that he would come back to me after he had his tour in Busan" She screeches at me

Gawd, her voice his so mousy and annoying af

I am so close to smacking her just to shut her up

Jimin POV

I dont hear anything that my ex Somin says to Y/N because the only thing running through my mind is her saying my "boyfriend"

I glance over at her lovingly completely oblivious with the tense feeling in the atmosphere

I pull her close to me and at first she snaps but then she givens in when my lips touch hers lightly

Making her anger dissapear in a flash, I then look over at Somin who is glaring at Y/N, my girlfriend

"I am not, nor will I ever be your boyfriend... I only dated you because your parents threatened to end my career with BTS if I didn't got out with you...
You just wanted to use me in order to boost yourself in your career since you are still a trainee, but I am done being your lapdog and I could care less about you and your selfish family because I have Y/N now, my love and my girlfriend who I will never give up"

Somin runs out of the room crying no doubt calling her father to tell him that I broke his promise but I say f***k him I am no longer going to be his toy

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