Chapter 21: The Wedding👰

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Its been two years since Jimin and I got engaged and we decided to finally have the wedding

When I told all my friends they freaked out and screamed at me telling me that they needed to come, and I told them that of course they were all invited and were free to wear whatever they wanted

I want them to feel comfortable~~

Everything was set up and I was walking around in my dress making sure there was nothing wrong

I felt someone wrap their arms around my waist and rest their chin on my shoulder, i knew right away that it was him

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I felt someone wrap their arms around my waist and rest their chin on my shoulder, i knew right away that it was him

I turn around and smile glancing at him in his tux, he looks so handsome

He wraps both his arms around my waist pulling me closer until our faces are merely centimeters away from each other

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He wraps both his arms around my waist pulling me closer until our faces are merely centimeters away from each other

"I am the most luckiest man in the world to have you become my wifey" he places a soft kiss on my forehead and I close my eyes in bliss

Without stepping out of his embrace i say to him, "And I am the luckiest fangirl in the world to be able to say that she not only won the heart of her bias but I can call him all mine" I squish his cheeks in my hands and kiss him on the lips teasing him

I then step away and stick my tongue at him, taunting him as I turn around to run away

"Oh you wont get away that easily~" he says chasing after me

"Excuse me while I go drown in my lonely sorrows, if you guys are done being lovey dovey, the rest of the audience would like to see the bride and groom walk down the aisle" Jungkook gruffly says to us as he walks over and tells us that it is time to get going

"You are just jealous that I stole her from you" Jimin taunts him

In response Jungkook's cheeks begin to turn pink from embarassment

I smack his chest lightly, "That's enough, lets go"

We walk over to where everyone is waiting for us, we walk arm in arm down the aisle until we reach where Rapmon is standing at the podium

Earlier he offered to get us married to each other and all the other things that a preacher would do, it made us feel more comfortable having someone we know, rather than a stranger

Once we reached him we both said our vows and then he said to us, "Do you Park Jimin, take Y/N as your wedded wife to have and to hold until death do you part?"

Jimin slips the wedding band on top of my engagement ring and says while looking into my eyes, "With all my heart"

"Do you Y/N, take this used to be Jamless guy Park Jimin as your wedded husband to have and to hold til death do you part?"

I chuckle as Jimin glares at his hyung but then he brings his gaze back to me softening immediately

I slip his wedding band on his left hand and say, "For all eternity"

"You may now kiss the bride"
Everyone begins cheering and I can hear the boys whistling their approvals

But nothing else matters but this handsome guy in front of me, he places his hand on my neck bringing me closer, my eyes already starting to close, and then I feel his lips mesh perfectly against mine

We break away and smile at the crowd

What used to be an army's dream turned into an army's reality


Author: Wow, it has been a journey to write this story! I cannot express my gratitude for you taking the time to read my short story, thank you so much it means a lot to a newbie writer like me

I never had the courage to publish my stories before, but as I saw more people reading and enjoying my chapters I knew that I needed to step out of my bubble and try ny best at a story that not only I would enjoy writing, but that you would love to read from the beginning up to the end

Maybe later, other ideas will come to me, and the next story will be focused on Jungkook's love life (my second lead heart aches for him in this story)

Thank you so much for reading "An Army's Reality"
I love you guys so much❤❤❤❤

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