Chapter 16: Together

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He looked like a cute little baby sleeping on my shoulder, but I knew I had to take him to my hotel room...

I wave my hand at a taxi, I first gently place him lying down on the seat and then I slip in next to him

He grumbles and shifts, groping around trying to find something warm, his hand touches my thigh and I sharply intake a breath when he snuggles his head onto my lap and curls up

I just laugh, and stroke his hair, waiting for when we arrive

Once we get to the hotel, I hand the taxi driver the money and practically drag him onto the elevator

"Aish why is he sooo heavy? It must be all that muscle from dancing..." I whisper to myself, grunting from having to carry him all the way to my room

I open the door, walk to the bed, and let him fall on the bed..

He makes a whining sound and juts out his lip like a child who is begging their parent for a toy they want

I wipe the sweat off my forehead, and quickly lock my door and then walk over to where he is

I take off my slippers and just stand there admiring his feautures, I was so mesmerized that I unconsciously walked over and started tracing his face starting from his eyebrows and lastly his plump lips

He scrunched his brows together when I featherly touched his lips, as if he were dreaming he grabs my hand and pulls me onto the bed next to him

I widen my eyes and stare at how close we are... our foreheads and noses are touching, if he brought me any closer our lips would also come in contact with one another...

"Badump~badump~" my heart starts racing as I stare at his closed eyes

He slowly opens his eyes, gives me a goofy grin and then goes back to sleep curling in the other direction

I too turn to the side, biting my lip and placing my hand on my heart feeling each beat get faster and faster....

This is my first time I have ever been alone with a man... let alone be sleeping next to him

Ommmmyyyygoood, I need to relax...

I yawn, "Man I am tired, I should pro-" I don't finish my sentence because my eyes close and I am off to Dreamland...

Jimin's POV

I turn back to the other side where she is sleeping... glad that she thought I was still drunk

I take this time to admire her sleeping state, her long hair flows around her and I let my fingers run through the strands

I smile to myself, but I want to see her face...

I place my arm underneath her head and she turns over and moves closer to me, I bring her closer to me by wrapping both my arms around her

She looks so beautiful... I cant believe she is actually here with me... I am never letting you go
We will be together always

I whisper to her, "I love you" and then I close my eyes and place a light kiss on her forehead, eyes, cheeks, and lastly her lips

Afterwards, I place my chin on her head and we fall asleep...


He may have thought that I was sleeping when he said he loved me, but after those words left his mouth I opened my eyes and smiled up at him

Oh wait til morning Jimin~~

The sun shines through the window and I bring my hand up to shield my eyes from the brightness

I bring both my arms up and stretch

"Good morning~~" He looks at me lovingly while resting one hand on the side of his head

Hehe, lets play with him since he said it first~~ my evil plan begins

"Don't you good morning me, because of you I couldn't sleep at all last night..." I cross my arms and stare at him

He looks down and his smile drops, "Oh... im so-"

I dont let him finish, "My heart was racing so much from being that close to you.... especially after you told me that you love me..." I fiddle with my hands looking down

He gapes at me, "You were a-awake?"

I smirk in reply, "Of course I was from the moment you wrapped your arms around me, its too bad you had to be the first to say it"

"I will just have to get my revenge"

"Huh?" He says to me confused

"I am in love with you Jimin, not the one who people see on stage, the "real" you" I walk towards him and cup his face in my hands and press my lips to his

He doesnt react at first, because he is registering my confession, but afterwards he grabs my waist and places me on the bed, underneath him

We deepen the kiss together...

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