Chapter 11: Back to Reality

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Jimin's POV

I watch her walk away, smiling to myself knowing that I will see her again tomorrow.

Anticipation of the next day to come is flowing through me that I can't focus on anything else, so I decide to go to the practice room and calm myself down by freestyling

Hobi hyung sees me dancing and comes over to join me, "Where did you get all this energy?" He pokes teasingly at me

"Hyung stop it!" I say laughing and smiling

I felt like the most happiest and luckiest person in the world

"I can't wait to see her again..." I whisper to myself

"Who?" J-Hope asks me

"No one you need to know~~" I stick my tongue at him walking over to grab a drink from my water bottle



"What should I do, Lena?" I ask her unsure of what to do

"About what?" She asks me

"He wants to meet with me tomorrow at 12 before he has to get ready for his flight.. but we still need to go to Seoul and get ready for our flight at 5..."

"I want to meet him, but I know it's not right for us to be together, and I don't want to lead him on anymore..." I confess to her bring my knees to my chest on my bed

"I think you should follow your heart..." she gently pats my back trying to comfort me

"I'm sorry Jimin..." I turn off the lights and curl up crying myself to sleep


Jimin's POV

My alarm clock goes off alerting me that it is finally the day that I have been waiting for..

Thankfully, we don't have any schedules until we land in Seoul at 5

I jump out of my bed, and rush to choose some clothes wanting to look presentable to her...

I spent so much time with trying to decide what to wear that I forgot to look at the time

"Shit! I only have 10 minutes!!" I run around hastily combing my hair and then quickly put on my boots

I slam the door and grab a taxi telling him to go straight to the Haeundae beach

Once I reach there I walk to the ocean and raise up on my heels continuously waiting for her to show up

I constantly glance at my watch watching each minute pass... once it reaches 12:00 I hear someone say, "Oppa!"

Assuming that it was her I place a smile on my face and whip around to see who it was

What I saw was a girl run towards her boyfriend and hug him while giggling

I drop my smile and run my hand through my hair, "Where is she?"



"Hurry up Lena, we are going to be late!" I yell at her across the room

"I'm almost done! I just need to fix my hair!" She shouts back at me

Yesterday we grabbed a taxi which took us back to our hotel in Seoul...

As soon as we left the club we went straight back to our hotel and changed into normal clothes

The next day we went over to the Seoul airport waiting for our flight to be called...

As we were waiting I heard a bunch of girls screaming, "Bangtan oppas!! We love you so much!!" They surrounded the boys not even allowing them to have their own personal space... anyone could tell that they were very uncomfortable

I sadly glance over and unfortunately make eye contact with the one member I was afraid to look at, Park Jimin. He raises his eyebrows and widens his eyes when he sees me...

He tries to walk towards me, but is shoved back by the bodyguards protecting him from the human fangirl wall. I just give him a small smile and walk away with Lena to our gate to go board our plane

On the plane ride I immediately put my headphones into my phone and start playing Pandora.. I was jamming out to all the different songs until "Lie" came on...

As soon as I heard his voice I start to cry and cover my face with my hands, thinking to myself, "It's okay, Y/N. You did the right thing... it's better this way for both of us..."
Lena overhears me crying and turn to ask me, "What's wrong?" I look over to her and ask,

"Did I really do the right thing?" I say in a small helpless voice

She looks at me puzzled, "What are you talking about? What did you do?"

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