Chapter 13: Broken Promise

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Y/N's POV:

We reach the building and I am guided by a group of large bulky men with shirts that say "Security" on them

Once we enter the place where the signing is being held my ears are flooded with his voice singing, "Caught in a lie~~~"

"Oh no..." I whisper to myself and glance up at the members.. the first person I make eye contact with is Jungkook...

He cocks his head to the side. Leans all the way back in his chair, crosses his arms and smirks at me

I gulp and give him a nervous smile
"CRAP It's to late to go back now..." I say to myself

I watch in the back as each fan goes to each member... I glance over to where Jimin is and notice that something is off with him... he isn't acting like his normal self.. he is just waiting quietly for each fan to reach him so that he can sign their album and send them on their way..

Even when they try to talk to him, he just gives them a sad smile and gestures for them to move on to the next member...
My heart begins to throb at seeing him in this state... I tell the guard next to me that I need to get some fresh air

He nods his head and tells me that he will call me back in after they are done

I walk outside and let out a long sigh, I wipe away tears that I was holding back... after my little break down I smack my cheeks and shake my head telling myself to woman up! I am a successful psychologist who will do anything to help her client get better, no matter who it is

The guard comes outside and tells me that I need to come back in and greet the members

I walk back inside with him, and as soon as I go back inside, someone grabs my hand and takes me to this room... he shuts the door and all I can see is his back.. I had no idea who he was so as any normal person would do, I charge after him screaming, "YAHHHHH!!!!!" and then I kick him right between the legs

He falls down, holding onto his member groaning...
"AISH!! WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?!" he yells at me even though he is still groaning in pain

Wait I know that voice...

"Jungkook oppa?" I softly ask him

"YES! This was not the greeting that I had in mind..." he decides to sit down after he stops groaning and the pain subsides


"Oh my gosh! I am so sorry... I didn't know who it was and all I could see-" he lifts up his hand for me to stop talking

"It doesn't matter now, all that matters is that you are here... he needs you" he stands up and places his hands onto my shoulders staring deep into my eyes

"I will do what I can, but it will be only a professional relationship, no feelings allowed..." I give him a stern look and walk past him

He gestures for me to follow him, he takes me to where the other members are but Jimin is missing...

I give my greetings to the other members bowing to each of them while saying, "Annyeonghaseyo, bangtan oppas"

After I give my greetings I pull Jungkook away from his conversation with Taehyung and ask him, "Where did Jimin go?"

He shakes his head, "I don't know.... he may have went outside to clear his head, lately he has been doing that a lot not wanting to associate with us anymore..."

I turn around at the person's voice asking Jungkook, "Who is this?" I gulp and wait for his reaction..

At first nothing registers in him about who I am until he sees me fiddling with the necklace... he takes one look at the necklace, briskly walks towards me and then roughly grabs my hand.. giving me no other choice but to follow him

"WAIT! Hyung-" Jungkook goes to follow him but is stopped by Rapmon who shakes his head and tells him to leave us alone

Once we reach outside behind the building away from everyone I rip my hand out of his grip... and start rubbing it... it was blood red from his tight grip and was slightly sore

He stares at my hand and then looks up at me... he then does something that surprises me, he slaps himself hard on the cheek...

I gasp and bring my hand to my mouth

He lets a tear fall from his eye and then starts laughing...

I back away a little scared from him acting this way, I tentatively call out to him, "Jimin?"

He snaps his head up and then glares at me, "What?" He snaps at me

"I understand that you are angry at me-" he walks over to me and digs his hands into my shoulders

I wince at the contact, but refuse to look away from him

He sees me wince and immediately drops his hands, he walks away running his hand through his hair in irritation...
He walks back to me and says, "Why did you break your promise?" "I waited for you..." his voice breaks

"I'm sorry..." I said the only thing that I could think of in that moment, while trying to hold back my tears

He walks towards me and wipes away a tear that escaped from my eye with his thumb
"Please don't cry... I hate to see you sad..." he pulls me into his arms, softly brushing my hair in attempt to soothe me

I relax and snuggle closer into his collarbone, but then I realize that he is my client and I shouldn't be acting this way...

I break away from him, and tell him, "This isn't right... you are my client and I am your doctor... our relationship from now on has to be perfectly professional..."

He runs his hand through his hair and sighs, "You are always saying that this isn't right! But to me I finally feel happy again..."

"Before we become only client and doctor, I want to do something that I have been waiting forever to do since I saw you again.."

"Jimin I don't think--" I don't get to finish my sentence because he grabs both my arms and smashes his lips onto mine giving me the most passionate kiss I have ever had...
I feel his warm tears fall on my face and see him scrunch up his eyebrows showing his full concentration...

At first I move around trying to get out of his grasp but then stop and think, "It's no use.. let's just allow our heart to win just this once.." I grab onto the collar of his shirt pulling him closer to me, deepening the kiss

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