Chapter 12: The "Secret" Client

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Narrator's POV:

3 years later

Jimin was broken inside, he no longer smiled and acted all excited about interactions with the armies... the members could tell that he wasn't the same, a part of him left when she went back to America...

He has never forgotten his angel during the past two years and the sparkle in his eyes dulled the second he saw her leave to go inside her plane

Instead of being all hype, he constantly sighs and cries when he tries to dance and he doesn't smirk and act super energetic in his dancing like he once did

The maknae being fed up with feeling the sadness around the members went straight to bang pdnim's office and told him about how Jimin needs help and the only person that can fix him is Y/N.. he begged him to assign Jimin as her new client


Y/N's POV:

I can't believe that I finally graduated college and am pursuing my dream in psychology!!

One day I get a call from my supervisor telling me that I need to call this person, they are going to assign me a "special" client

I write down the number she gave me, and type it into my phone awaiting the person's answer

"Good morning, this is Dr. Y/N's number correct?" A man with a deep voice answers the phone

"Yes, it is... how can I help you Mr...?" I ask him his name

"Call me Bang Pdnim... I am calling you because I need you to keep this a secret... I want you to come here in Seoul and treat one of my members, he has severe depression and it breaks not only my heart but the rest of the members in the companies to see him like this..."

"Don't worry about your flight, all expenses and even your hotel room have all fully been paid for.. we don't know how long you will need to stay here and treat him, so everything has been taken care of"   
He instructs me to go the airport tomorrow and get on the plane leaving at 10 in the morning

Once I land in Seoul I am supposed to check into the hotel, and come straight to this address, 14578 Manhi St.

"Wonhae Manhi Manhi Manhi!!!" My alarm goes off alerting me that I need to get ready and go to the airport

Thankfully I don't have much to do since I packed the night before...

I take a quick shower, and then lightly apply some makeup.. after I am done I go back to my room and grab my purse and my suitcase and leave my house

As soon as I step outside I grab a taxi and ask the driver to take me to the airport

Once I get there, I head straight to the gate and hand them my airplane ticket, I board the plane and sit down in my assigned seat

Since I am afraid of heights I immediately put in my headphones and listen to my music, as I do so I fiddle with my necklace thinking to myself, "I wonder how he is doing now... he probably already moved on I guess..."

A couple hours later the pilot announces that we have reached Seoul... everyone gets out of the plane and walks inside the airport off to their own adventures

I keep walking until I reach the place where all the family members are waiting for their loved ones... I see someone holding a card "Dr. Y/N" I smile and walk towards the person... I bow to them and say that I am the person they have been waiting for

She smiles at me and gestures for me to follow her to the car, she takes my suitcase, I help her put it into the trunk and then both of us enter the car and she drives off... she asks me how my flight was and I tell her that it was nice and peaceful

She doesn't ask me anymore questions until we reach the building...

It was huge!!! It was about 20ft tall and was covered in posters of the members of BTS in the front was Jimin's picture... I sighed and looked away from his face

We both walk inside, and she tells me that she will send all my stuff to my hotel
All I need to do now is walk down the hall and enter the office on the far right

I follow her directions and look at the name on the sign near the door, "Bang Pd" I know he is in charge of BigHit but I am wondering which member is the one with the depression...

I knock on the door, and I hear him tell me to come in

I twist the knob and enter the room, I bow at him and say my greetings..

He nods his head and asks me to take a seat in front of him

I sit down and he tells me that the member right now is at a fan signing event, I will need to go there and observe him

I nod and tell him that I understand, he shakes my hand and says, "I hope we will become great friends, even if you can't treat him or not.. but I hope you will be able to, we all miss his bright smile"

I give him a sad smile and walk out, a man at the door gestures for me to follow him, we exit the building and I enter the black hyundai genesis

As I was waiting to arrive, I watched all the people walking on the sidewalk, thinking about what the person will be like and
What made him this way?

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