Chapter 17: "You are Mine, and I am Yours"

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Y/N's POV:

He brings his body down, melding it onto mine

I can feel every inch of him...

My heart is racing, scare and excited about what will happen next

He drags his tongue across my top lip, asking for entrance... I moan and part my lips gasping for air

He takes the break as his chance, his stare changes into something dark and hungry

His tongue connects with mine and we both fight for dominance until he wins

He sneaks his hand up my shirt and traces circles on my stomach
I gasp at his cold fingers on my skin...

He stops and looks at me, his eyes asking for permission

I dont know what has come over me but my answer to him was ripping his shirt off of him, standing back to admire his chiseled chocolate abs...

At first he is shocked by my action, but then he runs his finger through his hair and licks his lips while approaching me

I smirk at him, "What are you waiting for?"

"Im not waiting..." he glares at me

"Then would you quit staring at do something, or do I have to do everything by myself" I taunt him by slowly unbuttoning my shirt

I can see his gaze drop down to my hands and he grabs them stopping them from continuing

"No, we will do this together..." he smashes his lips onto mine in a heated kiss while his hand finishes the last few buttons on my shirt

Once my shirt is off he spends no time with my bra, he quickly unhooks it and tossed it off the bed where my shirt and his lay

I moan when he drags his teeth on my neck leaving sloppy kisses down my collarbone

When he reaches my sweet spot I grab onto him pulling him closer to me

He looks up at me, loving the way his touch affects me... I was not prepared for what he did next

He brought his lips down near my collarbone leaving lovebites every now and then until he reaches my breasts

He tests them out by gently groping them with both his hands, waiting for my reaction

I moan right by his ear, "Ughh... opppa" "Moreee~~"

He obliges to my request by ravishing my left breast with his warm mouth

I am literally a moaning mess and whispering his name....

He tries to move onto the other one but i dont let him, "I cant let you have all the fun"

I get off the bed and slowly bring my shorts down, leaving me standing in nothing but my panties

He brings his arms back to his head, basking in the view
"You are so beautiful, and you are all mine~" he tries to make a grab for me but i swat his hand away

I shake my finger in a "no-no" kind of way
He pouts and bring his arms to his sides

I take that as my chance of surprise

I get on the bed and start crawling towards him my gaze never leaving his...

I continue until i reach his abs, I straddle him and begin to grind my hips onto his while tracing the lines of his abs

He places his hands onto my waist,
Moving his hips insync with mine...

He doesnt moan or groan yet, so I pull back and my eyes are filled with desire for a challenge

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