Chapter 9: Is this Real or Fake?

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I didn't know what to say... all I did was stand there in front of him staring off into space...

"Uhmm.. Are you okay?" He waved his hand in front of my face

I shook my head, "Y-yeah... I'm thinking back and trying to remember... I didn't get a good look at you, all I saw was a glimpse of this guy wearing dark sunglasses, ripped jeans, timberland boots, and a black t-shirt with a white-washed denim  jacket..."

"Ahhh... right you couldn't see my face..." he sadly looks away running his hand through his hair

"Stop that!" I yell at him

He widens his eyes at my tone and pauses what he was doing, "Wha- what did I do?"

"You don't even know what that does to me... when you run your hand through your hair, my heart skips a beat everytime..." I walk towards him and place a chaste kiss on his left cheek

I back away with flushed rosy cheeks and bite my lip (a habit I have when I am embarrassed or thinking)

He touches his cheeks where my lipstick left a kiss-mark and then gives me his signature eye smile while he laughs and bends his body forward

"I don't know if I should be offended that you are laughing or that I just wasted my first kiss..." I narrow my eyes at him and cross my arms

I must be dreaming right? How else would I be able to talk and even touch him?

"That wasn't a kiss... I will show you how it's supposed to be done"

With my eyes still closed I can hear his footsteps, coming towards me...
Once he reaches me he places his hands onto my cheeks and ever so lightly places his lips on mine...

I open my eyes at the contact of his soft and warm lips on mine, freezing because I wasn't expecting this, especially not from someone like him

After the shock wears off I wrap both of my arms around his waist, tilt my head to give him more access, and then flutter my eyes closed allowing my whole body to sink into his warmth

We pull away from each other, and place our foreheads together, breathing heavily... he still has his eyes closed until I say...

"Why me? You could choose all different beautiful girls in any kpop girl group? How do I even know that this is real?"

He takes my hand and places it on his heart, underneath I can feel his heart racing with each beat..

"The heart doesn't lie... this is how I truly feel.."

"I don't want a girl to like me just to increase their popularity or because I am a famous kpop star known for being the sexiest member..."

"I want someone to love Park Jimin, the boy who loves music and cares deeply about the ones around him"

He gave me a warm smile which made me feel all bubbly and giddy inside, but I swear my heart stopped when he said this next part

"All I know is that when you first met me, you didn't see Park Jimin the superstar, you treated me just like any other guy..."

"I may like you right now, and hopefully later when we know more about each other it will turn into something more than just affection... but we won't know unless we give this a try right?"

Before I can answer I turn around and look at the person who interrupted the moment...

"Hyung, we should really get--" Jungkook abruptly stops talking and looks back and forth between how close Jimin and I are to each other...

"Sorry, did I interrupt something?" He smirks and leans against the stage wall

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