Chapter 8: I Remember

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The Dj of the club screams out to the crowd, "ARE YOU GUYS READDDYYYY!!!! IT'S TIME FOR SOME RAIN!!!"

The crowd went wild shouting back, "I'M GONNA BE A BAD BOY!!!"

I look over to Lena and we smile and shout along with them

The lights change to a dark green color and Jimin walks out to the center...

"Wait shouldn't this be Jungkook's solo??" I whisper to Lena

"Yeah... I don't know what's going on either... but let's watch and see" she scrunched her eyebrows in confusion and then shrugs her shoulders

Jimin completes his solo part and then the chorus plays where all the boys come out and dance to, "I'm gonna be a bad boy, I'm gonna be a bad bad boy..."

I was looking for Jungkook trying to read his face, but if he felt anything about this switch in parts he didn't let it show to the armies...

The boys finish dancing and Jimin just smirks into the crowd and winks at each girl who scream his name

I look at him with my arms crossed and mouth, "We need to talk"

He smiles at me and points to backstage to have me follow him

The other members are doing weird dances and getting the crowd all hyped up

I walk backstage to where he is, "Oppa?" I call out to him since it's dark and I can't see anything...
I pace around and spread my hands out trying to feel for where the wall is, when I come in contact with something hard and solid...

"I'm right here" he says to me grabbing my hand and gently guiding me to him

He continues to hold my hand as he searches around for the light switch.

Once the light is turned on I automatically shield my eyes and squint since it was so bright... after a while I got used to it and moved my hand back down

"Why were you the one dancing in the beginning instead of Jungkook?" I ask him knowing it would be better to get straight to the point than working my way around it

"Wahhh, already asking me questions? No praise first? Ouch..." he acts as if he has been shot in the heart, placing his hand over it while moving backwards

"I'm just confused... you did a really great job as always, but I want to know why" I say to him

"Before we talk about that let me ask you something..." he walks back over to me and grasps onto my shoulders


Jimin's POV

She just stares at me waiting for me to ask her the question that has been running through my mind ever since I saw her again on the beach...

"Do you not remember gangnam?" I ask her not wanting to give away the whole thing, only a hint

"Gangnam? I remember visiting there two years ago the second time I came to Korea..." she tilts her head to one side trying to remember anything else

"Well, I remember when I first saw you..." I smile thinking about her angelic voice as she sang near the water

She frowns and stares at me... maybe she doesn't remember..

I sigh, "I was walking around looking at all the beautiful traditional houses... but then I heard screaming fans so I started running..."

"I ran all the way to the bridge to catch my breath, when I heard someone singing off to my left"

"I glanced over at you and you were facing the water with your eyes closed singing one of our songs, "Butterfly"

I felt so at peace with your singing and the warm sunlight lightly touching my face, I unconsciously started walking to you...

It was almost like I was in a trance, I nearly made it all the way to you until my phone started ringing in my pocket...

You opened your eyes and looked over at me, we made brief contact and then I turned around and answered my phone

"I still remember your face because you didn't look Korean to me and your pronunciation was different..."

I never that I would see you again until I heard someone singing the same song out on the beach walking around taking pictures...

As soon as I heard that voice I went outside and stood on our terrace watching the back of the person stroll around...

"Unfortunately I wasn't the first one to talk to you..." I look away from her

"I wanted to greet you, but he beat me to it..."

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