Chapter 20: His Short "Revenge"

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Jungkook POV

No I didn't really lose the ring, it was safely in the box inside my right pocket, but i wanted to freak him out since he stole my girl~~

I saw her and approached her first, but somehow he took her away from me...

"Im going to kill you! You better find the ring! We are going on in 10 minutes and she is out there waiting.... what-" He angrily rambles and frantically runs his hand through his hair, frustration/desperation shown on his face

He then does something that makes me feel guilty and terrible for doing this to him... he sits down bringing his knees up to his chest and sulks

Aish! Seeing him like this, makes my heart hurt... he loves her a lot, more than I ever could...

"Hyung, you really love her with all of your heart, right?" I gently sit next to him shaking him from his depressed state

"Yes, I want her to be with me forever..." he says softly and continues to sulk

I take the box out of my pocket and place it in his hands... "I'm sorry hyung, i never lost the ring I just wanted to make you think I did..."

"Go out there and win her heart!" I pat him on the back and walk out of the room leaving him gaping at me

Jimin POV

My palms were sweating so much I had to keep rubbing them on my pants...

I have never been this nervous since our first performance as a new group...

I went over what I was going to say to her, afraid I would freeze and forget in the heat of the moment

Please dont let me embarass her or myself

"Jimin, it's time to go! Breathe~ you got this! You got Jams!!" Rapmon hyung comes over and claps his hand on my shoulder, oozing his overflowing confidence into me

I smile, and walk with him to the stage


Oh man this was my first time seeing them perform all their songs

My fangirl heart was racing like crazy... all the fans besides me were screaming when they came on stage, all spotlights were placed on the seven angels that descended from elsewhere

But my eyes were glued on the one person at the center, my love and cute Chimi Chim

He was so different on stage than off, its like he has multiple personalities and when he is on stage, he shows that he owns it

Overflowing with charisma, he becomes the scene stealer with every dance and song that the boys perform

Of course all of them are scene stealers in their own way, from when Jungkook danced to his solo song "Begin"

Everything flowed and his movements were equally sharp and fluid, he glided on the stage

And then when it got to their new song, "Not Today" oh man Taehyung with a bandana should be a permanent thing because he looks soooooo good

All the armies in the crowd scream out their names and do mulitple fan chants at the appropriate time in all the songs

But, the next thing that happened would be something I would never forget...

The lights turned off on stage and everyone in the crowd was showered in darkness, until one bright light shown above where i was standing

I brought my hand up shielding my eyes from the bright light, and then squinted so that i could see the stage... but the boys were gone...

Where did they go? I was about to leave the crowd when I heard girls a few feet beside me squeal

I turned my head and watched as a spotlight was cast upon Jimin as he glided through the crowd and came towards me

What is he doing? I was so confused and awe-struck at the same time at seeing him in front of me

"Y/N, I know you must be shocked and confused as to why I am here, but dont worry I will explain"

He takes something out of his pocket and hides it behind him

"From the first time I heard you sing to when you kicked me in the balls thinking I was some pervert, I knew that I had to get to know you more"

I chuckle at the memory... and continue to listen to what he has to say

"My world was broken when you left me, but when you came back you brought a light that demolished the darkness that i was in... I first thought I was dreaming when you came to see me when Jungkook called you because I was drunk and you were scared that I would do something drastic."

"You are my gorgeous and loving butterfly, that I want you to fly with me forever, will you be mine and only mine?" He kneels down and brings out the box that he was holding and he opens it to reveal a stunning aquamarine ring in the shape of a heart with small aquamarine crystals surrouding it and covering the circumference of the ring itself

Oh my gawd... did he just propose?!

He continues to sit there but his smile falters and he begins to shift uncomfortably...

He probably thinks that I am rejecting him

I shake myself out of my trance and lift his chin so his eyes meet mine and place a kiss on his soft plump lips

He looks at me shocked and his brows scrunch in confusion at my action

I chuckle and whisper in his ear only for him to hear, "Of course I will be your butterfly, and I only want to be yours~~" I back away and smile cheekily at him

He grins so hard that I was afraid he might burst his cheeks, he takes my left hand and slips the ring on my finger and then picks me up and spins me around

I just continue to chuckle and smile at his cuteness
He brings me back down and places his forehead against mine and sighs in contentment

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