He'll be okay right?

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Ellen's Pov

Just staring at his lifeless looking body, hooked up to so many machines, it just hurts me to see him like this, in so much pain. It makes me realize how much I really love him. I can't live without him. I walk to his bed. "Patrick!" I hiss. Nothing happened, by the looks of it, he looks unconscious. "Patrick!" I hiss louder than before. "C-come on Patrick, please wake up." I cry. I'm still not sure what's wrong with him. I want to find out soon. I grab his freezing white colored hand. "Patrick! Look, you're my best friend since the day we met. I can't live without you, I can't get your gorgeous face out of my mind, I care about you, I need you to wake up and be okay."

Patrick's Pov

I am trying to wake up, really! But I can't open my eyes, it's like they're  superglued! I don't even know what happened to me, why I'm here. All I remember is hanging out with Ellen after the scene, and all of a sudden I felt really dizzy, all I saw was four Ellens spinning around before I fell to the floor falling unconscious. The last thing I heard Ellen screaming for me before I fell completely unconscious.

But about an hour later, I heard her beautiful voice again. She said that she can't live without me, she said that I'm her best friend. That meant a lot to me. It pulled at my heart strings. See, what she doesn't know is that she gives me hope and happiness about my mom. I need to wake up for Ellen.

Ellen's Pov

A lot is at stake for Patrick right now, his mother has cancer and she's not doing so well, Jillian slapped him and he has a severe burn on his hand, Jillian's cheating on him and is pregnant with another guy. That's a lot to handle, I'm just trying to be a good friend to him. But then when he fainted in the trailer, I was so scared. Scared for Patrick, scared that he's already dead, scared that I've just met him three days ago, and I've already lost him. It's like I have him for one day, gone the next. I can't bear to see him like this, it hurts so much to see him in so much pain. I don't even know what's wrong with him, I just hope it's nothing bad.

A tear slips down my face. I need him to be okay. I've only known him for three days, but still he's my best friend and I can't bear to lose him.

A couple of doctors walk inside Patrick's room. "He has a massive brain bleed he had a heart attack, we're going to have to keep him overnight, but we need to take him into surgery right now." He says. I read his tag and he's doctor Pierce. "Can I just say goodbye to him? Please?" I ask. Dr.Pierce nods. "Okay, fine." He says. "Patrick, I can't live without you, I love you so much! And even though we've only known each other for three days, you're already my best friend. I love you so much! Please don't die!" I cry. After I finish my little speech they pull him into surgery. I walk back to the waiting room and meet up with the rest of the cast there, but there I see a woman I knew all too well.

Jillian Dempsey.

Her three beautiful children were with her, I was already so disgusted with her for hurting Patrick. I walk up to her. "Jill, why are you here? You don't even care about Patrick! You're cheating on him." At that point all the cast turned their heads shocked. "What? No I'm not!" She says. "Yes you are! Patrick told me everything! How you slapped him and said that he was stupid. You're pregnant with another guy." I say. "Mommy, you're cheating on Daddy?" Darby asks shock written all over his face. "That's not nice mommy." Tallulah says. "I can't believe you!" Sullivan shouts. "Look what you've done! Now you've got my children mad at me, everyone's mad at me now!" She shouts. A couple of doctors look over at the scene, interested to see what was happening. Jillian was fuming by now, her face was fire red. She used to be my friend, we used to be really good friends, but now when I look at her, I'm disgusted. "Who says that I don't care about Patrick?" She asks. "You don't, because if you did you wouldn't be cheating on him and get pregnant with another guy, you wouldn't slap him and say he's stupid. He's not stupid, he has dyslexia, he was born with it! He's actually pretty smart." I shout. "Mommy why would you do that?! It's not nice to call someone stupid when they have an actual problem. Daddy has dyslexia, whatever that is. It's not his fault, he was born with it." Sullivan says. "I'm willing to forgive you if you stop cheating on daddy." Darby says. "Do you want to know what's wrong with him? Yeah, he has a massive brain bleed and he had a heart attack. He's in surgery now." I say. "I just came so the kids could see their dad." She says. "I'll take care of the kids, you need to leave!" I shout. She does what I say not wanting to make anymore of a scene. "Fine, but I'll be picking up the kids at 3:00pm" She says. "Goodbye." I say coldly.

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