Happy Birthday Part 2

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Sullivan's Pov

It was really happening, I was kissing the girl that I've been fighting so hard for, but now I have her. As soon as our lips parted, I stared at her beautiful brown eyes as she whispered those three words to me.

"I love you."

"You do?" I ask.

"Yes I do."

"I love you too." I say.

"Stella, this has been the best birthday I've ever had, all because of you."

Patrick's Pov

Sullivan finnaly got his first girlfriend, and they both expressed their feelings for each other. I was so proud of him for finnaly telling Stella how he felt about her. His first kiss, and he was so afraid that he was too young but that didn't stop him from telling Stella how he felt about her. That little moment that they shared together was beautiful. I remember Ellen and I's first kiss.

Flashback -

"So Ellen, I've been meaning to say this to you but I never really had the courage to tell you. Ellen, you have been my best friend since day one, you have given me something that Jillian could never give me, true friendship. But I realized that I want more, I thought that I found true love with Jillian, but things changed. Our spark faded. But I found you, and I'm happy again, I feel a spark with us, I love you Ellen and I want to be more than friends, I want to be a couple." I had said.

"Paddy, I don't know what to say. But I do want us to be together, more than friends." She had said.

Our lips crashed together fitting in perfection. She opened her mouth giving me access, our tounges danced in their own rhythm. It was perfect.

Flashback over

"Time for cake!" Tallulah shouts snapping me out of my thoughts. Everyone runs into the kitchen and I serve everyone a slice of cake. "Tasty, thanks daddy." Sullivan and Darby say in unison. Once we finish the cake, Ellen gives each of the twins a gift. "Happy birthday you guys!" She says. "Oh, Sullivan, Stella helped me pick out your gift. I think you'll like it." She says. Sullivan rips open the paper and he stares at the gift in awe. "What is it Sully?" Darby asks . "It's another stuffed human, except it's Stella." Sullivan says. "You're next." He says. "My turn!" Darby says happily. He rips open the paper and look at it. "What is it?" Darby asks. "It's a jersey with my name on it." Darby says happily. "Thank you El!" Both Darby and Sullivan say in unison.

Half an hour later, at 7:30pm, Ellen and her kids left our house and went home. Her home was only ten doors down from mine, so you wouldn't need to drive.

"Sully, Darby how was your birthday?" I ask. "It was amazing daddy, thank you!" Sullivan says. "Yeah, it's the best birthday I've ever had. Thank you daddy, I love you." Darby says.

"Now, you're going to your mother's house tomorrow, along with Tallulah, and I want you to be on your best behavior." I say.

"But why daddy? Mommy's not nice to you. Remember, she cheated on you and got pregnant with another guy, she called you stupid."

"I know Darby, but it wouldn't be right if I don't take you." I say.

"Alright, fine." He says

"I agree with you Darby, but maybe we should go. To see mommy again, even if we don't, she'll get mad at daddy, and I don't want that to happen, daddy's been through a lot, probably more than us combined. He doesn't deserve to be treated badly by mommy." Sullivan says.

"Alright, we'll go." They say.

"Great, I'll talk to your sister about it." I say and walk out of the room.

I find myself in front of Tallulah's room and knock on the door.

"Daddy, what's up?" She asks me. "Actually, can I come in? I need to talk to you." I say. "Sure, what's up?" She asks.

"Tal, your mother has requested to see you and the twins tomorrow for their birthday. They have already said yes, but I wanted to hear from you." I say.

"WHAT? NO! Daddy, don't you remember what mommy did to you? She cheated on you daddy, and got pregnant with another guy. She called you stupid, I don't even want to see her for hurting you!" Tallulah shouts.

"I know Tal, but it would be wrong if I didn't let you see her." I say.

"Fine, but that doesn't change the fact that she cheated on you!" Tallulah shouts.

"You know what? I'll give you a burner phone, and don't be afraid to call me if anything goes wrong, or if you just want to talk. Okay?" I ask.

"Okay, thanks daddy. I love you." She says.

"Come here." I say and wrap my large arms around her tiny body.

"I love you T, and I always will." I say and hand her the burner phone.

"Thank you daddy." She says.

"Now why don't you get ready for bed and I'll kiss you goodnight." I say. She nods and I walk out of the room. 

I check on the boys and see that they are already asleep, which makes me smile. I kiss both of them on the forehead and go back into Tallulah's room, she's in bed, but she's not asleep.

"Daddy, can you read me a story?" She asks. "Tal, I don't need to read you a story, I already have one." I say. "Tell me!" She says.

"Okay, once apon a time, there was a beautiful princess with long blonde hair and bright blue eyes that sparkle every time she smiled. She had perfect pink lips, and loved to ride horses. But one day while she was riding her brown horse named Sting, she came across the most handsome price she had ever seen. The price had dark curly hair and ocean blue eyes just like the princess. It was love at first sight. The princess invited him to follow her to her castle, and so they did. They spend every day together, but the price realized that he wanted more. They walked out of the castle hand in hand watching a beautiful sunset. Before they both knew it, both of their lips brushed softly against each other and they both lived happily ever after. The End." I say.

By the end of the story I am satisfied when I hear soft snores beside me. I walk into what used to be Jill and I's room and go to sleep.

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