Maine Part 2

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Patrick's Pov

I wake up on the couch, it's strange, I don't actually remember being here. Ellen and I are going on a walk again to the beautiful scenery of Maine. After that, we're going to the beach. My sisters are staying here stay it's just Ellen and I. "Paddy, this trip is perfect. I love you" Ellen suddenly says with her bikini on. She looks stunning. "I just have to put my swim suit on and then we can go." I say. "Alright, I'll give you some privacy." She says and leaves the room. I put my bathing suit on and we head out.

We head to the beautiful scenery that we were at yesterday, and looking at it for a little bit examing the view. After that, we walked to the beach, which wasn't that far from my house. I put my foot in the water and pull it back, it was really cold. "How is the water?" Ellen asks. "It's really warm!" I say. She walks into the water and then pulls back. "Patrick, you lied! It's freezing cold!" She laughs. "Just for that, I need revenge!" She shouts and I run away, but she's faster. She grabs hold of my shoulders and pushes me in with massive amount of force. "God, it's freezing!" I scream. I swim over to Ellen and grab her arm and pull her in. "Got you!" I shout.

Half an hour later, both of us get out of the   freezing cold ocean and wrap ourselves in towels. We head back to the house and warm up. I make coffee for the both of us and we sit down.

"That was so much fun! I love it here! I never want to leave." She says. "I know El, it was fun." I say. I kissed her cheek, and she smiles as she takes a sip of coffee. "But we have to leave tomorrow morning." She says sadly. "Don't be sad El, be happy it happened." I say. "Easy for you to say, you spent your whole childhood here." She says. "I know." I say not knowing what else to say.

We finish our coffee and head upstairs to pack up our stuff.

The Next Day. . .

Ellen's Pov

"Ellen, we have to go now, or else we'll miss our flight." Patrick says shaking me awake. "Ugh, alright." I say and get ready to leave. After about half an hour, both Patrick and I walk down for breakfast. "I heard that you two had a great time in the ocean yesterday." Alicia says. "Yeah, we sure did! It was the most fun I've had in a long time." Patrick says. "Well, it's too bad that you have to leave now, but it was nice meeting you Ellen." My mother says. "Yeah, you too, but we have to leave now anyways, because Shonda wants us back to film tomorrow for Grey's Anatomy." I say. Patrick's sisters and mom give both of us bear hugs and we put our luggage in the truck of the car and drive to the airport.

When we get to the airport, it takes about an hour and a half to board the plane, but after that we take our seats and put our seat belts on flying back to L.A.

"That wasn't so bad was it El? So, do you like my mom?" Patrick asks startling me. "No, No, she was lovely. I like her a lot." I say. Patrick turns away and stares out the window, facinated by the world. "It's so beautiful! Just like you El." He says. I blushed a deep shade of red. "Thanks Paddy." I say. "You're welcome El." He says and falls asleep instantly. I laugh, but I guess he needs it, he looks tired and that's probably because he's been up all night long.

Before I knew it, we were landing back in LA. "Patrick, please wake up, we're here." I whisper in his ear. His eyes fluttered open slowly. "W-what?" He asks tiredly. "We're here." I say and kiss his cheek. "Oh." He says and gets up. We walk out of the plane and drive home.

Back home. . .

Patrick's Pov


I drove home, excited to see my kids. I let myself in, but as soon as that happened, I was erupted in giant bear hugs. "Daddy, we missed you!" Tallulah says. "Yeah, where were you?" Darby asks. I felt a bit guilty. "I was with Ellen, at grandma's house in Maine. With aunt Alicia and Mary." I say. "Oh." Tallulah says.

"Anyways, how was your day at school?" I ask. "It was good daddy, I made a new friend, his name is Logan. He said that I looked pretty today." Tallulah says. "That's great Tal, and Logan's right, you do look pretty. What about you Sully?" I ask him. "My day was okay." Sullivan says glumly. "Just okay? What can I do to make it better?" I ask. "I don't know." He says. "How about this!" I say and started tickling him. "D-daddy, stop!" Sullivan says through laughing. I put him down and face Darby. "How was your day Darby?" I ask. "It was amazing, I made a new friend named Michael and he's pretty cool." Darby says. "That's good. I'm glad you had a good day. Now, it's time to go to bed, go get ready and then I will kiss you all goodnight." I say . They all do what I ask and run upstairs to their own rooms. I have cute kids.

Five minutes later, I go upstairs and kiss them all goodnight. I lay on the couch and fall into a deep slumber . . .

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