Work tomorrow. . .

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Patrick's Pov

Today was the day that I am getting discharged. To be honest, I'm excited to see everyone back at work. Ellen's been a really good friend to me, but I hope that we can be something more. I really do see a future with her, but we can't. I've filed for divorce, but I don't think Jillian has. God, being married to her is like stepping on eggshells, sometimes she would be fine, but sometimes she's a pure bitch. And Ellen on the other hand, she has Chris.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I see a doctor coming in my room. "Patrick, glad to see you up. Are you ready to get discharged?" He asked. I nodded and read his name tag. His name is Dr. Roberts. He unplugged all the machines that I was attached to and I got out of my hospital bed. I was so ready to go home to see my kids. Just not Jill.

"Are you ready to go home?" Ellen says startling me. "Yes. Oh and by the way, my hand is a bit better." I say. "Good." She says looking relived. "Shonda told me that she wants you back after tomorrow." Ellen says. "Ugh, alright." I say. Ellen helps me get into the wheelchair that Dr . Roberts had rolled into my room. Before we go she thanks the doctor, I would have done the same thing, but I was extremely exausted. I fell asleep about halfway when Ellen drove me home.

Ellen's Pov

Patrick literally fell asleep halfway on the drive to his house. I poke him in the shoulder and kiss his cheek. "Patrick, please wake up. We're here, at your house." I say. After five minutes, he finally got up and walked stumbling with each step towards his house. Once I knew that he got in okay, I drove to my house, I have the courage to tell him that we need to break up. I park my car and step inside the house. "Chris, I'm home. I need to talk to you." I call out. I hear him running down the stairs. "Hey honey, how was work?" He asks. I decide not to tell him that I stayed with Patrick all day. "Oh, work was good. We're filming season tomorrow. But Chris, I need to ask you something. Something important, can we please break up? I'm so sorry. Please, I still want us to be friends." I say hoping that Chris would be okay with it. "I understand, it's Patrick isn't it. I want you to be happy, and if you're happy with Patrick then that's all that matters." He says. "Chris, I have something else I wanted to tell you as well, Patrick, he-he had a heart attack a week ago, he's okay but he's extremely tired all the time." I cry remembering when Patrick fell in the trailer. "It's okay El. Patrick's going to be okay. Someone who just had a heart attack as most of the time, if not always extremely tired. Its a side affect." He says. "So are we broken up?" I ask. "Yeah, I guess so. Just remember that I'll always love you El." He says and kisses my cheek. "I love you too." I say and with that, he's gone.

I take a sigh of relief and text Patrick.

Ellen : Hey Patrick, Chris and I are broken up now, and to be honest, I'm actually relived. How are you ?

Patrick : I'm fine, from what I've heard, the kids missed me a lot .

Ellen : That's sweet. Are you ready for work tomorrow? Shonda's really going to count on you to be there.

Patrick : No, I'm not ready for work, but I'll come anyway.

Ellen : Tired aren't you?

Patrick : How did you know?

Ellen : Because Patrick, you've been tired everyday I spent with you in the hospital.

Ellen : Say hi to your kids for me. I'll see you at work. Goodbye Paddy, I love you so much.

Patrick : Goodbye El, I love you too.

I hang up on Patrick and go to bed. Tomorrow will be interesting.

Patrick's Pov

I walk upstairs and practice my lines for tomorrow, trying to memorize them to get them perfect. It's hard, but I know I can do it.

I am going to divorce Jill on Saturday, the divorce isn't final until then. But on the bright side, Ellen will be mine after that.

I lay on the couch and fall into a deep slumber. . .

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