Happy Birthday!

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A week later. . .

Patrick's Pov

It's both Sullivan and Darby's birthday today, and I want to make it extra special. I contacted Ellen, and herself, Stella and Sienna are coming over at 11:00 am today. Ellen even said that she bought both of them a present.

I already wrapped up all of their presents, the bike was a little bit harder but I handled it. I let them sleep in a bit and got everything ready with a little help from Tallulah.

"Daddy, I have a present for each of my brothers." Tallulah says. "That's great Tal, thank you for your help, the boys are going to love it." I say.

Darby's Pov

Today is Sully and I's birthday, we turn four today. "Wake up Sully, it's our birthday today! We're four!" I say gently shaking him awake. "What? Oh my god! it is our birthday today. Do you know if Stella's going to be here?" He asks  sitting up. "I wouldn't know, but come on, let's go downstairs." I say. I take his hand and pull him up. We head out the door and walk downstairs in our pajamas.

All of a sudden, daddy and Tallulah start singing 'happy birthday' to the both of us, I look at Sullivan and he couldn't stop smiling. I was happy for him, I was happy for the both of us.

"So, what do you want to open presents first, or call cake?" Tallulah asks. " Presents and Sully can go first." I say."Really? Thanks Darby." Sullivan says and grabs the closest present to him. "That one is from me." Tallulah says. Sullivan rips the wrapping paper and gasps, it's a stuffed human that looks exactly like daddy!" He cried happily. "Wait, let me see." Daddy says. "Tallulah, how did you get this?" He asks. "Well, let's just say that it's not that hard when you've got a famous dad." She says. "Thank you Tal, I love you." Sully says as he hugs Tallulah. Next Sully rips open the giant present, and his eyes go wide. "It's a red bike! I love it daddy!" He says and hugs daddy. "Last one, open it Sully!" I say. He does what I say and rips it open. "A soccer ball! Thank you daddy, I love you." He says. "Alright Darby, your turn!" Sullivan says putting his gifts away. "Yay!" I shout happily. "Which one should I open first?" I ask. "Open mine!" Tallulah shouts. "Oh god Tallulah, it's going to be another stuffed human isn't it?" Daddy says laughing. "Here goes nothing." I say and rip open the paper. "Tallulah, It's another stuffed human that looks exactly like you!" I shout laughing. "And yet, I wonder how you get this stuff Tal." Daddy says shaking his head. "Like I said earlier, it's easy when you have a famous dad. They make all celebrity families." She says. "Alright Darby, two more, choose wisely." Daddy says. I pick up the skinny looking present and rip it open. "Mini sticks! Thank you daddy, I love it!" I shout. I pick up the last present, which felt like clothes. I rip it open and to my surprise, it was brand new goalie gloves for soccer. "Thank you daddy! Now I can practice for soccer!" I shout.

Half an hour later, I heard the doorbell ring and before I could have a chance to open the door, Sullivan bolted out of his seat and opened the door.

Sullivan's Pov

As I heard the doorbell ring, I bolted out of my seat and ran to the door before Darby could have a chance to open it. I opened the door and sure enough, it was Ellen, with Stella and Sienna. "Daddy, Ellen's here!" I shout. I looked back at Stella, and stared at her in awe. She looks stunning, even more beautiful than last Friday, when daddy threw a dance party for us. Stella was wearing a dress with a white background and roses. But now she is wearing a beautiful yellow dress with sparkles. She looks stunning. I let them in and walk up to Stella. "Stella, you look amazing." I say. She blushes a deep shade of red. "Thanks Sullivan, you don't look that bad yourself. Hey, how is your birthday going?" She asks. "Better now that you're here." I say. I look around the room, and there is no one here but the two of us. Perfect.

Patrick's Pov

I watch from the next room over, as the two of them talk to each other along with Tallulah, Sienna, Ellen and Darby.

They were having the most akward conversation ever, but it was so adorable.

"Stella, I've been meaning to say this for a long time, but I've never really had the courage to. I want us to be friends." Sullivan says.

"I thought we already were friends Sully." Stella says confused.

"No Stella, I want us to be more than friends, I want us to be together." He continues.

"Stella, I like you. You're beautiful and sweet, what I'm saying is that I want to be a couple."

She looks back at him suprised.

"To be honest with you Sully, I like you too, and I feel the same way." She says.

All of a sudden it happened, Sullivan and Stella were inches apart from each other, Sullivan cups Stella's face with his hands and their lips crash together, it was the most adorable sight ever, I guess young love really does exist.

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