After Surgery

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Ellen's Pov

After Jillian left things went back to normal, the kids stayed with us. To be honest, I think Jillian was a little bit scared. "Hey El, is my daddy going to be okay? What happened? What's wrong with him?" Tallulah asks quietly. "When we were talking about life in the trailer he just fell down, right in front of me. I found out that your daddy's got a massive brain bleed and he had a heart attack. I honestly don't know if he's going to be okay but I really hope so." I say a few tears spilling down my face. "Don't cry Ellen, he'll be okay, he loves you more than words can say." Tallulah says. Dr.Pierce comes back towards us. "There were completions in the surgery, he crashed on us three times. We had to revive him back to life each time. He's stable for now in his room. You can go see him." He says. I bolt up and run to his room. I walk inside.  "Patrick." I say. Nothing happened. "Patrick, please wake up. Your kids are here and they want you." I say. His eyes fluttered open slowly. "E-El-El-El-Ellen?" He asks, his voice all raspy and weak. "Patrick! You're okay!" I shout happily. I throw my arms around his body tightly. "What happened?" He asks. "You don't remember? We were just talking about life in the trailer when all of a sudden you just collapsed on the floor. I found out that you had a heart attack and a massive brain bleed, but they fixed it in surgery, you're okay now though." I explain. "Patrick, I was so scared. I thought that I was going to lose you, and we only met three days ago. Jillian was here, she dropped the kids and left. I told her about what happened. About how she cheated on you and is pregnant with another guy, how your mother has cancer, and that she's not doing well, oh by the way, how is your hand?" I ask. He looked at his hand. "It's better. Hey El, you said that you couldn't live without me, is that true?" He asks me smiling from ear to ear. "Yes." I say. "Can you please get my kids and bring them back here?" He asks. "Of course Paddy." I say. I kissed his cheek and walk out of Patrick's room. I go back to the waiting room and get the kids. "Hey Tal, Sully, Darby daddy's awake. Come on, let's go see daddy." I say. All of them jump out of their seats and ran into Patrick's room. Justin, T.R, Sandra and Kate Walsh come too.

Patrick's Pov

"Hey buddy, how are you feeling?" Justin asks me. I'm sick of being asked these questions, but I answered anyways. "Exausted." I answered truthfully. To tell you the truth, I have never been this tired in my life, I feel like I'm going to fall asleep any second now. Maybe that's how you feel right after a surgery. My hand still hurts a lot and I still haven't taken whatever it is that he wrapped on my hand off. I smile tiredly and grab her arm as she walks by my hospital bed. "What? What's wrong Paddy?" She asks me concern written all over her face. "Come lay with me." I say in a tone barely audible, but I know she heard it. "Are you serious? I don't want to hurt you." She says. "El, I'm fine, just really exausted. Please Ellen." I say desperate. "Alright fine." She says and gets into my hospital bed. "Patrick, we got you a card. We couldn't give it to you earlier, since you were unconscious." T.R says. He gives me the card and I open it. I look inside to see that everyone at work has signed it.

Ellen: Get better soon Paddy, I can't live without you, I love you ❤

Kate : Hey Patrick, you really gave us a scare. I hope you're feeling better bud.

Justin: Hey Pat, just letting you know that we will miss you at work during your recovery and feel better soon.

Eric : Hey Pat, I know that we always have a competition in who has better hair, but secretly I think that you always win. Get better bud, we'll miss you.

T.R : Patrick, you know, I have always admired you. Your hair, the way you keep the mood at set happy, you're a true leader. Get better soon.

Sandra : Hey Patrick, just to let you know that you're the funniest guy I know. Keep it up. We'll miss you. Nobody is as Mc.dreamy as you. ☺

Katherine : Hey, we'll miss you at work during your recovery, but I'm thinking about you and I hope that you get well soon. 😉

Chandra: Patrick, you're in my thoughts and prayers. Get better soon, we'll miss you at work. I'm sorry about Jillian, it sucks to be cheated on.

James : Hey buddy, Just letting you know that I'm thinking about you and I hope that you feel better soon.

Isaiah : Pat, we'll miss you down at set and I really do hope you get better. I know that we're not that fond of each other, but you're still one of my friends. Get better soon.

They were so thoughtful of me, although I was surprised by what Isaiah wrote, I didn't know that I am one of his friends, and he was right, we really aren't that fond of each other. But it was so sweet, the whole thing. But what Ellen wrote pulled my heart strings. She really can't live without me, she loves me, but do I love her back?   


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