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"Lady Aloysia?" Sir Evans knocked at her door later that evening.

"Yes, can I help you?" She opened the door halfway.

"No, but I believe I can help you. Can you come with me, I've got something to show you."

"Okay, I'll be right out." She closed the door, looked for something decent to wear then she came out.

"Shall we?"

"Yes, right this way." Sir Evans led the way.

"Where exactly are we going to?" The princess asked while trying to keep up with Sir Evans' pace.

"The armoury, for you to select your weapons. Even though you're a ceremonial knight you need to have weapons to defend yourself. Especially in the duel you're about to have."

"Okay, thanks."

"But, I personally think you should withdraw from the duel, there's no way you're going to beat you brother.

"Thanks for your concern, but I've already made up my mind."She said with a hint of disdain in her voice and the knight shook his head, as stubborn as her father, he thought.

"Okay. Here we are." He turned towards a metal door, and began opening it, the locks were so complicated it took him about five minutes to unlock the door.

"Okay, Step inside and look around." He urged her. She lifted her dress which had been sweeping the floor since she left her room and walked into the armoury. She looked around fascinated as the swords and knives glistened in the dim light.

"You know, the best swords have names, and all the swords with names are on that rack." He pointed to the rack of swords in the middle of the room. She slowly approached it. She softly touched the hilt of each sword on the rack till she stopped at one sword, then she removed it.

"Sebastien. This sword belonged to your grandmother." Sir Evans smiled

"She was a knight?"

"Yes, a red knight. She was the first woman to ever reach that level. Since then no woman has been able to reach that level. She was a great woman. Most women are either ceremonial violet knights or purple knights."

"You talk like you knew her."

"I did. In fact she trained your father and I."

"I want you to teach me to fight like her." She pleaded.

"Okay. I will try. But I know someone who will be able to do that better than me, I'll introduce her to you, that is, if you win the duel."

"Don't worry about me, I'm going to emerge victorious." She turned around and just as she was about to exit she saw something glowing in the dark in the far corner of the armoury, where the dim light couldn't reach.

"What is it?" Sir Evans asked.

"I saw something." She headed in the direction of the glowing weapon, while Evans stayed at the door waiting for her to return.

"What is this." She returned with a green rope-like weapon in her hand. It was very tough yet very flexible.

"It's a lasso, It is very unique. Legend has it that it was created from a dragon's skin. It was used by one of your ancestors, but when since she died no one has ever touched it. Well except you, some of the Knights believe that the lasso has to choose you before you can use it to its full potential. It is also believed that she was also the first white knight."

"is it true?"

"Of course not, no one has been able to reach that level in eons and I don't think a woman has ever passed the red level before plus dragons are not real."

"What was her name?"

"Lady Katharina."

"Then I think I'll name my sword katharina."

After she chose her weapons, she trained with Sir Evans for two days. At the end of the second day, the Black knight had no hope in her. He knew that she was surely going to lose. Everyone knew but she chose not to believe it.

"lady Aloysia." A servant knocked on her door on the day of the duel

"Yes, come in." she opened the door and bowed.

"I have brought you your armour." She handed it over to her. It looked like a simple long sleeve shirt and trousers but the material was very tough and hard the only thing that could successfully pierce through was a speeding arrow.

"At least it is better than that metallic junk the soldiers wear." She said to comfort herself as the armour felt very uncomfortable and heavy.

She slowly made her way to the arena. The whole state was going to be there she couldn't disgrace herself, she has to win. She thought as she nervously wiped the sweat of her face.

When she got there her brother was already standing there waiting for her arrival. He also wore a purple armour so the only thing that could differentiate between them was their hair. Alois had black hair while is sister was blonde just like her mother.

"Alois!" His father called him and beckoned to come closer to him.

"Make sure that you don't lose to her, by whatever means necessary." His father whispered into his ear.

"Yes father." He whispered back and smirked. He returned to the center of the arena to face his sister.

"Get ready to lose." He smirked at her. The King lifted his hand signaling to start fighting. Before his hand could even come down, Alois had begun attacking his sister ferociously. She blocked his every strike wincing in pain. She wasn't as strong as her brother and the sword was pretty heavy making her unable to control the sword properly. In the end she decided to avoid his brothers attacks, so she dodged the last strike which sent Alois tumbling unto the ground. The whole arena roared with laughter as the young prince fell.

"Come on, get up, it's a duel not a sleeping competition!" She chuckled. The Prince stood up infuriated and lunged into attack again, yet again the ceremonial violet knight eluded him and he tripped, almost falling over, but he managed to maintain his balance.

"Why are you try to make a fool out of yourself?" she taunted. This time Alois took his time and assumed a proper stance and just before he attacked, he chipped sand into the eyes of the princess, even though she was blinded momentarily she was able to block his attack but in the end she lost her balance and fell.

"Get up." He smirked. Her hands were sore, she could hold the sword up properly as she stood up. So she let go of it and removed her lasso.

"What do you think you're going to do with that? Whip me?" He chuckled. He charged at her and she aim the lasso at her hand and whipped the sword out of his hand. He looked at her with a dirty grin but Aloysia didn't bother to smile at him.

How could he do this to me? He is playing dirty, what did I do to him. She thought. Alois removed a stiletto from his hip and got closer preparing to strike. The princess aimed at his legs, wrapped the lasso around it and pulled it, making him fall down awkwardly. Alois didn't know how to defend himself again that particular weapon, so all his moves were useless against his sister.

Maybe I could try the sand trick again, he thought. He stood up quickly and as he approached her sister he chipped sand into the air hopping it would blind her again but she quickly covered her eyes and whipped the stiletto out of Alois' hand then she wrapped the lasso around his neck and pulled him towards her, which dazed him so she was able to surprise her brother with turning kick to the head. Prince Alois fell down dazed and the violet knight picked her sword and pointed it at her brother's throat.

"I yield!" he yelled loud enough for the whole arena hear him

"You have your champion. The violet knight lady Aloysia."

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