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"General Khan." Albrecht called for his air unit commander. "I hear you are a dragon rider."

"Yes, my prince."

"Can it breath fire?"

"Not yet sire, it's not yet fully developed."

"Okay, that's okay. I want you and your men to fly ahead, every one of you should be invisible, when you see the enemy signal us so that we get ready for the attack."

"Yes my prince." He said as he left his presence.

"Now everyone listen the enemy has a way of defending themselves from a direct attack of magic, that means magical weapons are useless and spells are useless against them but magic can affect them indirectly so I want you to get creative. So as a result of that. All mage soldiers are to be in second formation behind the foot soldiers in first formation. If you want come out of this war alive, pay attention to my instructions." He smiled wryly at them. Albrecht dropped his magic staff at the camp and took his father's sword which was made of real metal. In fact all the swords the soldiers used were made of metal, so anti magic property of the aerethium ore was useless against it.

The air unit moved out first as they glided across the sky they slowly disappeared one by one untill they could no longer be seen. "Let's move out." Albrecht started the jogging along with the army and Alexandria, who was right beside him,  toward touran hill.

Soon they saw a green bright light burst in the sky but they were still in the woods approaching the open valley of the Touran hill. As soon as they got there Albrecht saw the king and his army with smug smiles on their faces, he got infuriated.

"Advance." He yelled and they began running toward the foot of the hill.

"Sire, I think you should give the command now." One of King Austin's generals began to panic when he saw Albrecht and his men headed for the hills.

"Not yet." He said as he slowly raised his hand. When they got to the foot of the hill and began climbing the King yelled as he brought his hand down swiftly. "Fire!"

Albrecht began to climb the hill quickly but before he knew it his men had already started dying. He looked into the sky and he say it littered with arrows. The mages quickly erected a shield barrier. But the arrows passed through the barrier as if it wasn't even there. Albrecht realized that the arrow heads were of aerethium ore and they was nothing they could do to stop it. "Fall back! Retreat!" He began running backward through his men and they all followed him back into the woods. By the time all of them were in the woods about a thousand of Albrecht's men were dead.

"Albrecht what are we going to do, it's a dead trap out there." Alexandria panicked.

"I know, we have to force them down the hill."

"How will we do that?"

"I have an idea." He sat down and crossed his legs.

"What are you doing? This is not a time to meditate."

"I am not meditating, I'm traveling." Albrecht closed his eyes and his spirit appeared on General Khan's Dragon.

"My prince, how did you get here?" He asked clearly astonished.

"I am not really here, this is a representation of me. The thing is we are in trouble, we've been lured into a trap. I want to know if there's anyway round the hill so that we can appear behind them."

"Yes, but that will take a lot off days and we will have to move our camp closer."

"Okay, is there anyway we can force them off the hill."

"Hmm, we can create a lake of fire enough to push them downhill and even take some of them out."

"Okay get to it."

"Okay, men, inferno on my count." the air unit quickly moved from the arrow head formation to the line formation. " Inferna." All the men in the air unit pointed down at King Audwin's men and yelled.

Out of nowhere fire erupted in the air burning every thing around because the fire was magical it didn't affect them but the wooden part of their arrows were on fire and suddenly the ground began to rumble and lava erupted from the cracks in the ground and began flowing toward them like water flowing from a broken dam. "Move down! move down!" The King yelled as he whipped his horse to quickly take off.

"Make sure the inferno ends at the end of the hill." He instructed the general as he slowly disappeared.

By the time King Audwin and his men got down safely only three battalions of men were alive. They approached the woods slowly, dreading what was going to happen next.

"Everyone should go invisible." Albrecht said to his men when he returned to his body. And they followed his instructions. He made a circular motion with his fingers meaning they were going to use the circle formation to surround their enemies. As they moved toward them, he gestured them to be quiet and careful.  As soon as they surround them completely he passed some instructions around that, "all foot soldiers should appear on his count but the males should remain invisible and use only torture and death magic." He lifted his hand and counted with his fingers and the Alcheronian Army looking around frantically trying not to make any rushed movements. "Five, four, three, two, one,"  The moment his hand turned into a fist all the foot soldiers appeared. "Attack!" Albrecht yelled the moment he appeared slicing the first person he saw. He moved forward lodged the sword into the next person he sword.

"You!" He heard someone shout from the right. He struck his sword forward plunging it into another enemy and looked to the right and saw Alois cutting down enemy soldiers and moving toward him fast.

"Concelo." Albrecht whispered as he blended into the crowd killing the Alcheronian soldiers.

"Come back here you coward!" He screamed furiously.

"As  you wish." He jumped into the sky reappearing and coming down with a strike. Alois moved back and dodged the strike. Albrecht just rolled on the ground when he saw that Alois was intending to dodge. He struck left, right, right and down the middle but he blocked all of it and kicked Albrecht. He wiped the blood off his mouth and went after him again. He struck left, right, kicked him chest, somersaulted and landed behind him and kicked him in the back.

"Come on, get up." He smirked. "Did you sisiter tell you that the more people I kill the more powerful I become." He taunted him and kicked him again as he tried to get up.  "You should always know all the strengths and weaknesses of your enemies before you declare war on them." He run toward him kicking his head. He waited for him to finally wake up them he run at him again but this time he was as fast as lightning. By the time Alois came to his senses he felt the sword pass through his shield, armor and through his body. Albrecht held his head and pulled it toward him as he twisted the sword in him abdomen. "Your kind have always been weak and will always be weak." He whispered into his ear moved back and kicked him off his sword. He then levitated into the sky and yelled out. "Stop this all of you!" He yelled as a huge gush of wind blew among them and they all turned to look at him in the sky.

"I will cut you down where you stand boy!" King Audwin yelled.

"This war can be resolved without the massacre. Because this is going to turn out to be a massacre."

"How!" Alexandria yelled up at him.

"With a duel. Our best warrior against our best warrior, the loser surrenders and walks away defeated." He slowly came down till he landed right in front of the King.

"Okay, I agree." King Audwin shook hands with Albrecht as the armies of the two countries moved to the opposite sides of the valley.


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