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King Audwin sat on his throne for three days straight. He didn't eat, drink or sleep. He just sat there staring into nothingness. His court advisors came to speak to him but he didn't listen-no, not that he didn't listen, he couldn't even hear them speak. On the third day he came back to his senses, like nothing ever happened. To most of the people of the court the king's attitude seemed strange except to one person, Evans. Evans was a knight, a black Knight at that, and he was also the king's guard. He fought alongside the king a lot of times, since he was a prince, and he knew that behavior all too well.
"He's strengthening himself, give him time he'll come back" He said to the advisors who sought his council.

When the king finally stood up from his throne he headed for the Physician's office.

"Sire." Jeremiah stood up and bowed when the king entered the office.

"What happened in here?" He looked around disgusted.

"Nothing to worry about sire, just some petty experiments." He chuckled nervously.

"Okay. If you say so. Jeremiah, I need you to send word to all the senators in the various states that the queen is dead and that her funeral will be tomorrow." He said unflinchingly.

"But your majesty, it would take at most three days to get the message to the various states and probably another three days for all the senators to arrive here."

"Hmm, you're right, it will be in six days then."

"Okay, I'll dispatch the messengers right away." He was about to leave when the king rose his hand signaling him to hold his horses.

"Yes, sire?"

"I also want you to check the blood type of my children to see if any of them inherited their mother's"

"I already have. And fortunately your son has your blood type but very unfortunately your daughter inherited that of your late wife."

"You are indeed a wise man, Jeremiah. Wait a minute, why very unfortunately?" he looked at the physician puzzled.

"Because your daughter is the one who came out first."

"You know what that means." He said but no response came from the wise man so he continued his statement as he exited the office.

"She can't become the crown princess."


Six days later, the senators arrived in Aryania, the capital state of the Alcheronia empire. They headed towards the citadel where the king resided. The king with rest of the court welcomed them warmly.

"Welcome once again to my humble abode, the servants will help you with your things and show you to your rooms. Please treat them nicely, especially you Percy." He chuckled as the tall intimidating and controversial senator feigned innocence. "We meet in three hours for the occasion." He dismissed them and headed for the throne room.

"Sire." Jeremiah called and chased after him.

"What is it?" he didn't even stop to listen to what he had to say, he just kept on walking.

"Sire..." Jeremiah, who had chased after the king, said when he finally took his seat.

"Well go on." The king began to grow impatient while Jeremiah was trying to catch his breath. He rose his finger pleading with the king to be patient.

"Do I really walk that fast?" He chuckled and slouched in his throne.

"" he commented still trying to catch his breath.

"I don't think so, I think you're becoming old." He laughed, In fact they both did.

"Okay, now tell me what the matter is?"

"I've completed the list of baby names you asked me to compile for you."

"Hmm... let me have a look." He took the booklet from Jeremiah and opened it. He glanced through the pages nodding approvingly.

"Here you go. Keep it well, I might need it again."

"Okay, sire. May I ask, which name did you choose." Jeremiah pried

"Alois and Aloysia." He smiled.

"Wise choice sire, wise choice."

"Why thank you. Now leave me be." He said still with a smile on his face.

During the six days before the funeral, a tomb was built for the queen. That was where she was buried. The funeral lasted the whole day, the whole empire, not every single person but at least important people from all the states gathered to listen to tributes, eat and entertain themselves. At the climax of it all the king gave his tribute, it was very moving, a lot of people sobbed even the controversial senator Percy. The king gave his moving tribute and ended unfazed while most of his senators were wiping their tears with white handkerchiefs. The queen was finally put to rest at the dawn of the next morning in the tomb that was built for her.

"May she rest in perfect peace." The king made his final comments.

"And now I will show to my kingdom the final gifts my wife gave to me before she passed away." he signaled the court nurses to bring the babies forward.

"I give your prince Alois and princess Aloysia."

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