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"So what are we going to do?" Miriam asked after several minutes of silence. They were both thinking of how to catch the person jinxing the village but in the end they both came out with one solution.

"The only way to catch him is to catch him in the act." Albrecht replied.

"That's what I also thought but how will we be able to pull that off."

"We have to find a way to look at the magic signature of the spell that was used on that boy."

"And how will we do that if he won't even speak to us, he thinks we're evil strangers."

"But his mother doesn't know us."

"Okay, so what's the plan?"

"I want you to cast a sickening spell from the outside of the hut, nothing too severe, when the woman comes out seeking help, we'll swoop in and save the day."

"What if she doesn't accept our help?"

"She would, that's her only son and she will be desperate."

"Okay. I'll do it." They reached the hut and she became scared, it has been a long time since she casted spells on people, her sickening spell could kill him if she doesn't control it. "Won't my signature mask that of the jinx?" She tried to find a way to escape her dilemma.

"On second thought, it would, but not if it's a hoax, it won't even have a signature"

"I don't think I can do this."

"Of course you can, I have faith in you." He smiled at her and she smiled back feeling fired up.

"Dolus aegrotos." She placed her palms on the hut closed her eyes and whispered, she continued whispering even after the woman came out cry for help.

"Help, help, somebody, anybody, my son is dying." She screamed on the top of her lungs.

"Woman, calm down and tell me what's wrong with your son?" Albrecht approached her and said in a clam and soothing voice.

"He's sick, He's sick." She cried uncontrollably.

"Woman, look into my eyes and tell me."

"He..." she looked at his eyes, there was something strange about it and she couldn't stop staring at it.

"hostem." Albrecht was hypnotizing her, he kept on repeating the word slowly till she was fully under his control. "You're going to do everything I say." Albrecht said and she nodded.

"Your son is going to be alright and you'll forget this ever happened, but before that, you're going invite me in and I am going to find out what is wrong with your son." He said to her in a very calm voice.

"Come on inside mister." She said to him and led the way into the hut, as Albrecht was about to enter the hut, he signaled Miriam to stop the hoax spell and come inside. When they got inside, the boy was rolling on the ground clutching his stomach.

"He's in pain." Miriam said immediately they entered the hut and rushed to his side.

"There's nothing you can do, we just have to wait for the pain to subside." Albrecht saw the concern on her face and looked at the boy with pity.

"Why?" She yelled.

"Because it is a hoax spell not a normal spell, let's just hope he can endure the pain." He replied trying to sound optimistic.

"And what if he can't?"

"Let's not dwell on that." He smiled at her and patted her back. He knelt down next to the boy's head and waved his hand over his head. The magic signature of the jinx appeared on his forehead, Mortem sibi conscivit glowed in an amber color on his forehead.

"Can you remove it?"

"The only way to remove a jinx is to allow it to happen."

"So we should allow they boy to kill himself?!! Are you mad?!" She began yelling.

"No, I am not, in fact that is the easy part if you want to save him."

"And what is the hard part?"

"Resurrect him of course." He said blatantly.

"And how will I do that."

"You know the spell, you just have to say it with passion." He smirked at her and turned to examine the boy. "Looks like he is no more in pain and is ready to go and kill himself. Follow him carefully and after you're sure he is dead you can resurrect him."

"And what are you going to do? "

"I am going to track down who this signature belongs to."


"I am not sure, but the only people capable of a spell like this are warlocks and sages and there aren't a lot of them in this village so I have my work cut out for me."

"Okay, see you later then." She waved him as he stood up and left. He freed the woman from the hypnosis and put her to sleep. He headed straight to the chief's hut.

"Village chief! Come out and answer for your sins!" He stood outside and called, several times before the chief finally came out rubbing his eyes.

"Afflicto." Albrecht pointed his staff at him.

"Amoveo." The chief said sleepily just before the spell hit him. He rubbed his eyes again and smirked at him. "You really don't like me that much."

"This is not about how I feel about you, this is about killing innocent people just to feed your power as a sage."

"And how did you know I was a sage."

"The jinx is a very complicated one, one only a sage could perfect and use at will."

"I didn't jinx my own people and we both know that, so do what you've come here to do and get it over with." He clenched his staff and it changed into a sword, griped the hilt tightly and fire erupted around.

"We both know you can't beat me, boy, so stand down."

"I can try." He rushed toward him swinging his fiery sword, left, right through the middle, but the sage kept on gliding just above the earth's surface dodging all his attack. The sage backed up from him and Albrecht run toward him jumped into the air and came down with a powerfully strike. Just before his sword touched the tip of his head the sage vanished and appeared behind him, but Albrecht had anticipated that move. "Transfiguro." Albrecht quickly turned around in the air while screaming and threw his sword at him, in midair his sword transformed into a fiery spear. The sage tried to form a shield but it was a little too late, the spear broke through the half formed shield and pierced his shoulder straight into his own hut. He tried to remove the spear anytime he tried the fire became more fierce. He slowly approach the old man.

"It seems I taught you well, Albrecht, honestly I don't want to fight you anymore. So if you really believe that I did it then do what you have to do." He smiled at him.

"Goodbye Master...mortuus." He pointed his fingers at him in a gun form and yelled. Immediately the sage died, Albrecht knelt down screaming and holding his head till he fell unconscious.

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