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The fortress of Einvor.

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Seven days ago in Einvor......

"Hello honey, rise and shine, today is your big day after all." Queen Ivana opened the curtains allowing the sunlight to flood her son's room.

"Oh no. Can I sleep just for a few more hours?"

"No, now wake up." She said as she exited the room. A moment later after his mother left there was a knock on the door.

"Yes! Who is it?!" he yelled but because his face was in the pillow it was muffled.

"May I come in?" the person at the door asked.

"Yes." He said as he sat up in his bed.

"Oh, its only you." He said falling back into the bed when he saw his servant entering the room with a tray.

"Breakfast, my prince..." Before he could even end his sentence he tripped and just as he and the tray were about to hit the ground, they froze in mid air.

"Is my breakfast intact?" he asked the servant who was unable to move nothing apart from his mouth and eyes.

"Yes my prince."

"Good." The tray slowly floated to the bed where the prince was sitting and then he unfroze the servant making him fall down with a huge thud.

"Oops, my bad." He chuckled.

"Don't worry, it was my fault in the first place." The servant stood up and headed for the exit. "And the bath is ready for you, if you wish to bath after you've eaten." He said as he left the room.

"Albrecht!!" Princess Gryselda barged into her younger brother's room. " Why is mother telling me that she is going to name you crown prince today." She asked furiously

"You didn't know?" he asked innocently.

"If I knew, would I be asking you." She grew even more livid.

"I thought you didn't mind, she even said, you said, you didn't mind." He slowly got up from his bed.

"I do mind. I have prepared myself my whole life for this, you can't just come and take it away from me. In addition you're not even fit to be crown prince" She stretched her hand towards him and before he realized he was in the air and his neck was being tightened. He couldn't breathe. "Now, you will go and tell mother that you don't want to be crown prince and that you'll be stealing my throne and that is not fair, since I am the first born. And that you're not fit to rule this country."

"But mother won't listen." He managed to say even though he couldn't breathe.

"If she doesn't listen then pack your things and run away from here. Because if you don't and you take up that title, I will surely kill you, that I can promise you." She let her hand fall to her side and her brother fell to the ground, breathing as if he had just completed a marathon race. She looked at him with disgust and stormed out of the room.

Knowing his mother, she will never agree to him stepping down, he headed straight for his wardrobe to pack a few necessities. He would like to get as far away from his sister as possible. Her magic was so strong she could kill him with a snap of her finger and persuade everyone to believe it was an accident.

"I have to leave without anyone seeing me." Prince Albrecht said to himself.

But in his heart he knew that was impossible, unless he had help from someone else. There was only one person he could trust, the daughter of her mother's advisor, even her, he couldn't trust her fully, but he knew she would help him escape. After he finished packing, he slipped out of his room and headed straight for the advisor's quarters.

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