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The two children grew in stature and in knowledge. They studied art, history, culture, languages and such. At age eighteen, any child of a noble could enter the knighthood order which is headed by Sir Evans. But for the child of a commoner, he'll have to become a soldier first and work his way through the ranks and if he's lucky to be chosen by the king he could become a violet knight. Which is the lowest knight among the order but for a commoner, it's the highest he can go. So at age eighteen prince Alois was initiated into the knighthood order and her sister feeling left behind pleaded with her father to allow her to also enter the knighthood order. At first King Audwin disagreed strongly but at the end the persistent girl won. At least she thought she did, King Audwin knighted her daughter as a ceremonial violet knight. For a while she was happy, because she was the youngest person ever to be knighted. But she soon realized what her father had done, When Sir Evans and the other knights refused to train her because she was just a ceremonial Knight.

"Ceremonial Knights don't fight, you should be glad." They all said to her.

One day she sat watching her brother train with Sir Evans. Sir Evans moved so gracefully, it was like instinct, he dodged Alois' every strike as if he already knew what he was going to do. Alois impatiently attacked and attacked and attacked till he was so tired he couldn't lift the sword anymore.

"I can do better than that." She scowled at them.

"Oh really, let's see you try." Alois approached her sister who had stretched her hand to collect the sword, but instead of handing her the sword, the young prince decided to throw it at her feet.

"Go on, pick it up." He taunted her. When she bent down to pick up the blunt sword he kicked her behind. She turned and hissed at him like an angry cat.

"Okay, sweetheart show me what you've got." Sir Evans smirked. She stood there waiting for him to attack and he also paused anticipating her attack. She studied his stance and imitated him.

"Hmm.... you're a fast learner." Sir Evans commented but he didn't wait for her to answer, he suddenly attacked. Aloysia was taken aback but she still managed to block the attack. She winced a little bit and got back into her stance.

"First lesson, I'm your enemy, not your..." He didn't even end his sentence when the princess struck his hand knocking the sword from his hand and she pointed the sword to his throat preventing him from picking his.

"Okay, I yield."

"Ha! See, I told you so." She said as she dropped the sword into the sand and headed toward the castle.

"The great Sir Evans," Prince Alois approached the Knight, "bested by a girl." He shook his head feigning disappointment while Sir Evans laughed feeling a bit embarrassed.

"Father?!" The princess barged into the throne room the following day, with her brother, while her father was having a discussion with some of his senators.

"Yes my dear, what is it?" He immediately stopped what he was doing to listen to his beloved daughter.

"I challenge Prince Alois to duel!" She said it loud enough for those just outside the throne room to hear her clearly.

"What?!!" Her brother yelled looking very shocked. "But that's not what we spoke about." He lowers his voice this time.

"Shut up I'm talking." She replies him with the same tone of voice.

"Okay, state the terms of this duel." The King sat back and kept a straight face to listen to her daughter.

"We'll fight till one of us yields, if I win I'll no longer be a ceremonial violet knight but a real violet knight and I'll be allowed to train with the other knights. But if I lose I'll relinquish my knighthood and never bother you about it again!" She bowed and prayed that her father will grant her wish.

The King sat back in his throne and scratched his chin deliberating on the matter.

"Okay, I'll give you two days to prepare." The king spoke.

"But sire, Prince Alois has had three weeks of training while the princess has had none, do you think two days is fair enough." Sir Evans stood in to plead on her behalf, but King Audwin never goes back on what he says and Evans knew that.

"She knew this when she challenged him and I'm sure she is prepared for that, so two days is more that fair. I have spoken, now leave and let me get back to what I was doing." He said nonchalantly.

"Thank you, father." She bowed and smirked at her brother as she left the throne room.

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