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The Queen Ivana of Einvor..... The mother of Prince Albrecht.

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"Sit here and wait for me, I don't want you to get hurt." She smirked at him as she left him at the stands of the arena in the barracks.

"Don't worry, I won't move a muscle." He chuckled. She headed down into the arena where all the other Knights in training were gathered.

"Today, we're going to do a little bit of sword fighting. You step forward." Sir Evans pointed to one of the knights, he wasn't very tall and he had a very thin sword. He stepped forward bravely twirling his sword around.

"Okay. Attack me." He dropped his sword and beckoned the trainee to attack him. The not so tall, swift knight in training run head on with his sword raised, when he got close enough to strike, he took the swing but the black knight saw that coming so he quickly evaded, moved to the side, and as the other knight passed beside him he tripped him. He fell down but quickly got up. This time he moved slowly towards him with his sword still up. He swung to the right, then to the left and then to the right again, but the knight simply slid to the left, right and left again as if he knew what he was going to do. Sir Evans after dodging the third strike successfully kicked the other knight in the chest and kicked away his sword in a fraction of a second.

"Wow...that was fast." Albrecht said to himself enjoying the show from the stands.

"So, this is what today's lesson is about. Defeating your opponent without your primary weapon. So, who wants to go first?" Sir Evans folded his arms and asked. For about thirty seconds everyone stood there staring at him, then prince Alois finally took the bold step.

"Good, for being the first person to step up, I'll allow you to choose your own dancing partner." He smirked. Alois stood there staring at his fellow knights in training for a suitable person, someone strong and fast, so that he can prove that he is the strongest in the class. He searched with his eyes and through his mind till his eyes hit the stands.

"I choose him." He pointed to Albrecht.

"No. You can't. He's not a knight and plus he's still recovering." Lady Aloysia stepped in to defend him but it was a little too late, because when Albrecht saw Alois pointing his way he started coming down from the stands.

"You challenged me?" He walked leisurely to the centre of the arena with a smug on his face.

"Yeah, to wipe that smug off your face." He smirked

"Alby, don't do this. He's a trained soldier, he'll hurt you."

"And you don't know me, Al."

"So the two of you are using pet names now. How adorable." He chuckled.

"Was that sarcasm? Sorry, I couldn't tell. I was too busy thinking of ways to humiliate you." He said still with that smug on his face.

"Okay, let's see you defend yourself against a sword without one."

"No. My prince, this training was for you, not him."

"It doesn't matter, give me a sword." He angrily snatched a sword from one of the knights and charged into battle. Alois leaped towards Albrecht and came down with a strike, he didn't move or tried to even dodge it, he put his arm up and as the sword came down he blocked it with his forearm, there was a large clang sound then used his knee to hit his stomach. Prince Alois rolled on the ground clutching his stomach while the rest of the knights stared at him in awe.

"Is that all you've got? Really?"

"How did you do that?" The black knight asked.

"Do what?" He asked feigning ignorance.

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