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So that's a picture of Albrecht.

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"He's waking up." Princess Aloysia whispered to the court physician. She stared at him slowly tracing her hand on his red tattoo.

"Where am I?" He muffled as his eyes fluttered open, he felt something pass through him, it was like a power surge, he felt more power than he had ever felt in his entire life and what fascinated him most was the thirst for more power and how to get that kind of power.

"The royal hospital in the Alcheronia empire." She said brush some white strands of his hair of his face.

"And who are you?"

"The one who saved your life." She smiled sweetly at him.

"Keep him company, I'll go and get the king." Jeremiah smiled and said as he left the room.

"What does the king want with me?" He said sounding worried

"Don't worry, you're not in trouble. Let's wait till he comes, okay?"

"Where is Alexandria?"


"The lady who was with me when I was found."

"You were found alone, there was no one with you." The place fell silent when the King walked in.

"Who are you?" He stared at him for a while and asked.

"Prince Albrecht Crysus IV of Einvor."

"Einvor? I've never heard of Einvor." The king stared at him suspiciously. "And you're a prince? I find that hard to believe."

"And why is that? My lord."

"What kind of prince wears cheap clothes and is found at the border of a country with several cuts all over his body." He chuckled, then glared at him. The king was right, no one in the country will believe his story and even if they believed him they might end up killing him if they learned he was a sorcerer.

"You're right, I'm not a Prince. I was moving from my country to this country because I had no life there when I was attacked by wolves in the bush. I managed to fend them off but I had lost too much blood so I collapsed.

"You know, it's a felony to lie to the King, I could hang you right now but I have a feeling you'll more useful to me alive than dead." The king tapped his shoulder as he said. "For now, you'll be staying in the castle, the physician will take care of you, and this is my daughter Aloysia, anything you need you can ask her." He slowly walked out of the ward. He looked back at the boy and smiled. There is something odd about that boy, I just can't put my finger on it. Albrecht smiled back at the king as he left.

"So what's your name?" Aloysia asked immediately her father left the room.

"Albrecht, but you can call me Alby."

"Okay, Alby..." Jeremiah said but couldn't finish his sentence because he was rudely cut off.

"Not you old man, I said the lady could call me Alby, not you. You just stick with Albrecht." He smirked at him

"Okay, Albrecht, Aloysia will help you to your quarters so that you can rest there till you've fully recovered." He chuckled.

"Not yet old man, when I was found was there a bag with me?"

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