Chapter 5

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Isabella woke up on the floor, remembering the events that happened yesterday. Tears welled in her eyes as she looks around the room, noticing that Tori was awake and crying. Isabella gets up from the floor and picks up her phone, checking the time. Isabella's eyes widen when she sees that its only three am.

Isabella puts her phone back down on the ground, walking to the door flicking on the light, she walks back over to Tori's cot and picks her up gently. Humming to her softly. Isabella tries to get her back to sleep.

A small gust of wind comes through the window as Isabella was putting Tori down. Isabella cocks her head at that, she thought she closed the window before she went to bed.

Isabella walks over to the window and shuts it, locking it before moving the curtains, blocking the small amount of light reflecting off the moon. After Isabella closes the door she walks back over to her makeshift bed, next to Tori's cot she lies back down and slowly drifts off to sleep, to the steady pace of Tori's little snores.

~Isabella's Dream~

Isabella was walking through the forest with her little girl who looked to be about two years old. Firstly, Isabella cocked her head at that, Tori was only born yesterday.

The surroundings of the forest started to change as two people stood there, the light surrounding them. Isabella moved her spare hand to block the light, stepping in front of Tori whilst doing so.

Tori, not knowing who these people are, starts crying. Isabella turned around and carefully picked her up soothing her to sleep. Isabella looks towards her mother and father and raises her eyebrow towards them. Isabella walks over to her parents.

'Hey mum, hey dad, what are you doing here and how did you get into my head?'.

Isabella's mother replies "Isabella, the reason that the hunters attacked was because of me, you and Tori. Any female pup that I bear, and that you two shall bear will take one of our powers, they get it when they are in trouble and get to finally keep them when they meet their mate and complete the mating process'.

'Mum why didn't you tell me this?' Isabella asks annoyed.

'Because it's not something you can just go and tell anyone because if the hunters catch wind that there are still two more Guardians of the Wolves then they will be back, and I promised to my mum that if I beared a female pup that I would protect them with my life, and now in my assumptions are correct, Isabella you have two elements, water and fire. Because when you get either water or rock you get another of choice of the mother. Now little Tori will have rock and air'.

'Mum, why didn't you tell me, had you told me then I could have helped in protecting you'.

'We couldn't tell you, you have to understand'. Isabella's father says.

'No that's the difference between you and me dad, I don't understand because you never told me what to do in a situation like this, you never told me how to handle something like this, like losing my entire family, you guys will never be there to hold my children or to meet my mate or to be at my wedding, you'll never be there'.

With tears in her eyes Isabella looks down at Tori who is asleep on her hip.

'You need to be extremely careful with who knows about you and Tori'. Isabella's mother says to her carefully.

'Yes mum'. Isabella replies.

Tori starts to cry but she isn't crying in Isabella's arms so she knows that something is definitely wrong.

'Isabella get to Tori now'. Her mum yells.

~End of Dream~

Isabella wakes up covered in sweat, a cool breeze flowing through the window, in which she closed at three am. Her eyes shoot open, panic rising through her as she gets up and stands beside the cot. The only thing wrong with it is that little Tori, isn't there.

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