Chapter 11

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Isabella and her pack escorted beta Johnson and his pack to their border at the North East side of her territory. Once beta Johnson and his pack were in no mans land Isabella turned back to her pack.

'Toby and Drake can you help John back to the pack infirmary?'.

'Yes Alpha'.

After Isabella had instructed Toby and Drake to get John back she looked back at the rest of her pack.

'I want a perimeter run, everyone from the right of Daniel go left and everyone left of Daniel go right and meet each other on the other side of the territory, if you run into a problem, let me know immediately, understood?'.

'Yes alpha'.

Isabella nodded as her pack split the way she had instructed them to and after they all had left she made sure no one was around when she pulled her shirt off and shifted to her wolf.

As Isabella was running back to the pack house all she could do was think about the intoxicating scent she had smelt coming of Johnson, but she knew that it wasn't strong enough for her mate to be him.

As Isabella stopped running when she arrived at the pack house she looked around making sure it was ok for her to shift back when she saw something very disturbing, stopping her from shifting.

Kayla and Sam were out in front of the pack house going at it when they were supposed to be in the safe house till she came back and told everyone it was ok.

She growled, shifted and pulled her shirt on. 'Kayla, Sam get here now'. She said with her alpha voice.

They looked up shocked, quickly put their clothes on and walked over to her. Kayla, looking furious, came up to Isabella and started screaming in her face. 'Oh my god, you always come in and ruin my fun! I wish you had died along with you stupid father and your gay brother, you're the same as your mother, just some stupid little whore trying to get some attention. Why don't you take your little slut of a sister and go and die in a fucking ditch'.

Isabella, barely able to control her anger held her breath.

'What the fuck do you think you are doing Kayla, do you have a death wish, that's the alpha your talking about'. Same hissed in her ear.

'Yes, Sam I know who I am talking to and it's about fucking time that someone told this pathetic little slut the truth'.

'Enough, both of you. Kayla, I am sick of your shit'. Isabella said furious.

'Sam take her to the cells immediately'. Isabella commanded him using her alpha voice.

As Isabella finishes she looks at Kayla in disgust to see her in tears.

'Alpha you can't do this to me. I'm pregnant with Sky's mate's baby. God you and her and your other two best friends are all fucking whores'.

Isabella had, had enough, her eyes changing into vibrant red. She growls ferociously and her claws have a mind of their own as she punches Kayla in the stomach, before she thrusts her claws into her stomach and jerks her hand to the left before ripping her hand out.

'God news you slut, you're not pregnant anymore'. Isabella says as she punches Kayla in the face, a sickening crack could be heard as she fell to the ground unconscious.

'Take her to the cells now Sam'. Isabella yelled as she could feel herself getting more and more frustrated at the sight of her.

Without thinking Sam took Kayla into his arms and mind linked Jason 'Get to the alpha now Jason'.


Jason was one of the wolves who were running the perimeter when he got a mind link from Sam.

'Get to the alpha now Jason'. Sam said, he sounded incredibly worried.

'What's wrong?'.

'Just get to her now'.

'I'm on my way'.

Without thinking Jason left his patrol group and started running as fast as he could back to the pack house.

When Jason arrived at the pack house he was shocked. Isabella was in front of the pack house, blood red eyes and she was growling uncontrollably. Her entire body was shaking and she was breathing heavily.

Jason taking a calming breath walked up to Isabella and carefully stood in front of her.

'Bella'. He said softly.

Isabella looked up at him immediately and he looked down, away from her eyes. She was furious, Jason didn't know who could have caused her to be this mad.

Jason then smelt blood. He looked at Isabella's clenched fist and noticed that her hand was bleeding badly. Jason not knowing what he was doing, breathed in deep. Isabella was probably going to kill him for this later but he needed to get her to calm down.

So without any more thought Jason bought Isabella's body close to his, and smashed his lips onto hers.


After Luke had come back from the patrol that Isabella had ordered, he entered the pack house and had instantly smelt his mates scent. Isabella had let everyone know that it was safe to come back out about ten minutes ago.

Luke follows Molly's scent and it leads to her room, the only problem with it is that it has another males scent mixed with hers. Luke slams Molly's door open to find an unknown male on top of Molly, who is naked and passed out. What angers Luke more is that this guy was going to mark and mate her.

Luke runs over and pulls him off her and rips his head off his shoulders, before wiping his hands and grabs the sheet to cover Molly's body. She had bruises forming on her hip, arms, legs and some that are forming on her stomach and head.

Luke covers her body, not wanting to take advantage of her.


As Molly wakes up she sees Luke sitting in a chair beside her. She's not in her room but the pack hospital with only a sheet covering her body.


'Yes Molly, are you ok, what do you remember?'.

'I don't remember anything, what happened?'. Molly asked slightly scared.

'Well you see an unknown male came and was taking advantage of you but I came in and killed him and then covered your body with a sheet, then carried you to the infirmary'.

'Thank you Luke'

'Molly I don't know if this is too soon to say but I love you, will you let me mark you?'.

'I love you too Luke, and I would love to finish the mating bond so that I will be with you'.

A smile forms on Molly's face when Luke picks her up and takes her back to the pack house and into his room. Molly and Luke completed the mating process.


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