Chapter 8

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Dalton took Grace home after they finished helping Isabella with all the shopping. He wanted to spend some time with his gorgeous mate and get to know her more. They were about five minutes away from the pack house.


Isabella was driving her car, with Molly and Sky sitting in the backseat fighting over music. They had just left the mall where Dalton and Grace had helped them pack all of the shopping into her boot.

Isabella was about ten minutes away from the pack house when Jason mind linked her. 'Alpha, we found your daughter Tori in a rogue encampment twenty eight point five miles away from the pack house'.

'I'm on my way, don't get caught' Isabella mind linked back. Putting her foot to the floor she got to the pack house in less than four minutes. Not even waiting for the car to stop moving, Isabella was out and standing in front of Jason and a group of warriors that Jason had gathered.

Isabella nodded her thanks to him and turned and shifted, her pack shifting with her. Not wasting anymore time they took off. When they all got there they were shocked because it wasn't just a little encampment. No it was the size of a pack house. They all waited behind bushes and trees and shrubs. Soon enough two guards cane out with their 'leader'.

'On the count of three' Isabella said to her pack.



'Three go'.

Isabella and her pack charged in and what shocked them all was what the leader of the pack of rogues said next.

'Stop or I'll light this house up, all of the people in it will die, even your precious little Tori'.

'Stop'. Isabella screamed through the mind link. Not even needing to use her alpha command, her pack knew very well that they would die by her hand if they threatened her daughter.

'That's what I thought' the leader said smugly.

Isabella seeing what Jason was about to do, stares at him intently. 'Kill the bastard' she mind links him.

Jason, stalked behind the leader silently, once he was close enough he lunged forward. Biting the leaders ass. Jason started attacking him. But their leader threw his lighter to the ground, the open flame igniting the petrol line to the door. In seconds the fire was upon the house and it was up in flames.

Isabella stood there shocked, angry, pissed off and heartbroken because her little girl was in there. The thing that shocked Isabella and her pack the most was that her body had a mind of its own. She started running to the house, when she was close enough she jumped through a window and ran to the door that led to the basement, she could smell Tori's scent.

Isabella's heart dropped but was quickly replaced by a smile, her little girl had built a rock wall around all the others, so that they weren't affected by the smoke and fire. She was also using her wind power to keep the flames at bay.

Isabella's mind had control over her body and without knowing how she did it, she pushed her hands outwards and used her water abilities to drown the flames.

Once Isabella made sure the fire was out she ran to Tori, who let the rock wall fall down and become rubble on the ground. Isabella looked towards the people who had been captives. A small smile on her face.

'Go outside and tell my pack and let them know that I sent you'.

Isabella only had one problem. When she looked at Tori, she was about the age of a four year old, but that can't be. I mean alpha's age differently to other wolves, till they reach three. Then once an alpha has reached the age of three, they stop aging so quickly. An alpha can be born in a month, but then in a month or two they could be three. It depends on their parents status.

If both parents were alpha's then the child would reach age three by two weeks. If only one of the parents was an alpha then it could take two or more weeks. It was to help the alpha pair and to make sure that their child would be strong enough.

Isabella took Tori's hand and they walked out of the 'camp' together. Walking over to Jason and the other survivors. After Isabella had accepted all of them into her pack, she looked at the clock.

It was ten thirty at night, Isabell and her pack shifted and ran back to the pack house. When they arrived, Isabella laid down so that Tori could get off her back. Shifting, Isabella caught the shirt that was thrown to her by Jason. She slid it over her head and smiled her thanks.

Taking Tori by the hand they walked into the pack house together and went to their rooms. When they got to their rooms, Isabella tucked Tori in and had to do a double take. She was back to her normal age, she was only a one year old again.

Isabella shaking her head, walked to her room, thinking to herself, did she imagine that?

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