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'Mr Simmons?' Kyle had answered his phone, the hospital number flashing up on the screen.

'Whats happened?'

'Mr Smith has gone missing.'

Those words echoed through his mind. How? How could they have let him get out the hospital? Why the hell had he run off? After everything, after how well he'd been doing and all the progress he'd made. And after he had promised Kyle he would try to get better. He hadn't been up to see him for a couple of days, but the last time he'd seen him he had been in a very good mood. And according to the doctors they were thinking of releasing him for a day or two very soon.

Kyle prayed and hoped as he sped towards the hospital. He kept his eyes peeled for signs of him. He couldn't get far. He had no money, he had no clothes and only slippers. A member of the public would surely spot him and call the police.

All kinds of scenarios were running through Kyles head. Had he managed to find someone to buy some drugs from? What if he was in an alleyway somewhere, overdosed? He couldve jumped off a building. It had been twenty minutes since he was seen on cctv leaving the main entrance. It could already be too late.

No sooner had Kyle thought the worse, did he spot him, sat at a bus stop, in his hospital dressing gown, smoking a cigarette and talking happily to an old lady with a shopping trolley.

'You.' Kyle shook his head, rolled down his window and motioned for Dan to get in the car.

'This is my ride.' Dan said to the old lady. The lady smiled at him and wished him luck. Dan got into the passenger side of the car and Kyle glared at him. 'What?' Dan laughed.

'There is nothing funny about this.'

'Jeeze, I just went for a walk.'

'The whole hospital is searching for you. The police have been called. Do you have any idea-'

'I lost track of time. I just wanted to get some air. I'm sorry.'

'Do you think they'll let this slide? You've shot yourself in the foot.'

'How would you like to be stuck indoors for months on end? I feel like a fucking zoo animal, dude. Everyone coming to check on me every ten minutes, poking me, asking me how I feel. I hate it. I just want out.' He hadn't seen Dan this irate whilst he'd been back. It was almost thrilling to see him passionate about something again. He remembered the stubborn, head strong Dan from before.

Kyle thought long and hard. He knew how tough it must've been for him. He'd basically lived outside for four years. He knew himself how it would drive him insane being cooped up constantly. He felt immediately bad for thinking Dan was out there trying to get a high or kill himself.

'Right. Let's go then.' Kyle drove off at speed. Dan looked confused as they went past the hospital.

'What?' Dan asked, but got no reply. Kyle knew what to do.

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