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Dan would've killed him if Kyle hadn't managed to fight him off. With one quick kick to the stomach, he'd managed to push Dan away just long enough to crawl off. He pulled himself up and staggered into the kitchen. His face was wet with blood and tears, his eyes half swollen shut and his head in agony. It's just what he deserved. He could hear Dan cursing and then the front door slamming shut.

He collapsed back down onto the floor, his back against the oven, and pulled a tea towel off the handle to mop up the blood. It was quickly drenched in red. He knew he needed to call for help, but he'd used the last of his strength to crawl away. He hoped that if he just lay down here, someone would come and find him soon. But no one would be home. He seriously doubted Dan would be coming back unless it was to finish him off.

The house phone was on the counter. All he had to do was reach up and grab it. But it seemed like a million miles away to him. He was dizzy, his head spinning, pounding. He felt sure that if he didn't call for help, and fast, he would bleed to death. And he needed to ring the police to find Dan before he did something even more stupid.

He took a deep breath in and hauled himself up. His hand gripped at the white phone, smearing the plastic with his blood. He could only manage a few moments standing before sliding back down onto the floor. Instead of dialling 999, he hit the first speed dial. He needed to speak to Eve and tell her how sorry he was, just incase....

But it was two in the morning and she wouldn't have answered to him anyway. He waited for the voicemail beep.

'Babe. I need to tell you... I love you. I'm sorry for putting us through this.' Every word was a struggle. He hadn't realised how painful his jaw was. He spat out a bit of blood before carrying on. 'You were right...and I'm sorry. I love you and the boys, so so much. No matter what, remember that, ok?'

He had to ring for help. Now. He felt sick. He couldn't focus on anything.

It felt like a lifetime before the ambulance and police arrived. He tried to explain what had happened but his speech was slurred and his jaw no longer cooperative. By the time he was loaded into the back of the ambulance, he'd lost consciousness.

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