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'Have you found him?' He'd barely opened his eyes before asking the nurses. His entire body was sore, but his face was agony. He'd been lucky to not have surgery, the fractures in his cheeks and eye sockets would heal and his dislocated jaw had been put back into place. There were twenty nine stitches to his forehead and lips. And now the bruising had bloomed, almost his whole face was blue and purple.

'Yeah.' The nurses said solemnly.

'Well....whats happening? They haven't arrested him, have they? Because I don't want to press charges, he didn't know what he was doing...' He trailed off. The nurse shook her head.

'Mr Simmons....' She began.


'He was struck by a bus. He's in surgery now but I'm afraid the doctors don't think he'll come out.' She placed a hand on his shoulder.

'No.' He screamed and shook her off. 'No. Because he's supposed to be getting better...He was gonna get his own place, he was going to be ok, he just needs a few more weeks...'

'Is there anyone we can call? Your wife has been contacted, she's on her way in now, but anyone else-'

'You're wrong. That's not him. No. Not after everything we've been through. If he thinks I'm mad at him for this, I'm not, I understand. It was my fault.'

'It is him, we found ID and he matches the description that was put out for his arrest, I'm so sorry.'

'It's my fault.' Kyle whispered.

He couldn't believe that after how far he'd come, from being at deaths door to fixing himself and coping with his demons, they were back to where they began. And Kyle knew in his heart that his luck had run out. And once again it was his fault. He'd stupidly told Dan the truth about Sam and it had pushed him in front of that bus.

'Oh Kyle.' He heard a soft voice from the curtain to his cubicle. She threw her arms around him and held him as he cried. Not even the comfort of his wife could help ease the pain woven so tightly round his heart. She gently stroked his beaten face, kissing him on top of his head. 'Everything will be ok.'

'It won't. He's not going to make it this time.'

'I think it's time to let him go. He's been in pain for so long.'

'I can't....it's my fault. The girl I hit before Mikey was born, it was his girlfriend. This is all down to me If he...dies...it will be all my fault.'

'No.' She whispered. 'None of this is anyones fault. Life is horrible and cruel.'

'Why did I tell him? Why?'

'Because you are an amazing friend. You sacrificed everything for him. You nearly lost everything to help him. My love, he is beyond saving. Let him go.'

She lay down in his bed with him, holding him for the rest of the night. He sobbed silently. He had tried his best. He'd spent the best part of five years trying to bring him back and after all the tears and triumphs, maybe it was time to let Dan slip away.

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