The end

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'Mikey, Shane, come here boys.' Kyle called. They were playing by the trees on the edge of the graveyard. Kyle noticed all the fresh flowers dotted around. It was always busy around christmas time. Every year he'd come up to lay flowers it was the same. There was a slight ground frost this year. It made it easier to walk on the grass. It was always so peaceful, even with his two teenage boys moaning they were cold. Sometimes the cold got into his bones and made his cheeks ache. A little reminder of what had happened.

'Can we go yet, Dad?' Shane whined, right on cue.

'Have a bit of respect, son.' He scolded. The three of them stood shoulder to shoulder, looking down at the inscription on the headstone.

'I don't get why we come here every year. It's not like he know's we've been or anything.' Shane received a swift slap round the back of the head. He was catching up with his dad in height but not yet in strength.

'We will keep coming up here every christmas, birthday and anniversary, whether he knows or not. It's the least we can do.'

'I think it's nice.' Mikey said. He was almost fifteen. He'd grown into such an amazing young man. Kyle and Eve were so proud of him. Kyle even more so when he showed a keen interest in music. He secretly hoped he would find a band to join or start one and follow in the family trade. 'Uncle Will's been up.' He nodded towards a wreath on the ground.

'Yeah. He said he would. Remind me to ring him later.' He pointed over to where the car was parked. 'Go, give me a minute.' The two boys wandered off, Shane playfully punching his older brother. Kyle shook his head in dismay but laughed to himself. 'Another year.' He sighed and crouched down to wipe the frost from the carved letters in the stone.

Samantha Emily Carter. 10th March 1986 - 26th January 2018.

'I hope you're looking after him for us.' Kyle said to the sky. Wherever his friend was, he hoped he was at peace. Happy. He'd never forget what they'd been through. The amazing times when they were young. The not so amazing times as they grew older. And all the years since their last 'meeting' where Kyle had gotten the scar on his forehead.

'She is.' He span around faster than he ever imagined possible.

'You came.' He said in shock. Next to another headstone a few rows up, stood his best friend. He looked older, as Kyle was sure he did too, but healthy. Colour in his face where the cold was biting. His clothes were clean. That was a good sign.

'I said I would. One day.' He smiled, sadly. He broke his gaze and looked down past Kyle's legs. 'Thank you for looking after her.'

'It's no trouble.' He was very aware of his arms suddenly. They hung limp at his sides. He wanted to jump on Dan and hug him. But it didn't feel right.

'Are those your boys?' He asked. Kyle nodded and looked around. They were stood by the car, but each looking down at the phones that were permanently attached to their hands. They wouldn't recognise Dan even if they had been looking. They'd only been young last time they'd seen their uncle. 'They're so big.'

'And a handful.' Kyle laughed softly. There was such a tension in the air. Kyle had imagined this day for a long time. He'd walked out of the hospital almost twelve years ago, leaving Dan in the operating theatre clinging to life. He had never looked back. It was all too much. Then the letters had started arriving from a private rehab clinic in America, birthday cards, christmas cards, but Kyle refused to open them for many years. They had sat in his drawer alongside the folder he'd kept the clippings from Dan's disappearance. Each time a new one came through the post his guilt intensified. When he finally did open them he felt release. Dan did not blame him for anything. He thanked him for all his help and asked only one thing of him; to take care of Sam's grave until he was well enough to do it himself.

'I think about you all the time, you, your boys, Eve, the guys.' Dan finally broke the silence. But Kyle didn't know how to respond. 'I wish we could've gone back to how we were before. But we were different people. I'm very grateful for everything you did.'

'I know. It's better this way.' They both nodded in agreement. 'You look really well.'

'I am well. Been sober for seven years. I actually help out at the clinic now, I'm a counsellor. I help alcoholics and drug abusers. I'm just here to see my mum and dad and of course Sam, for a few days.'

'Thats great Dan. Really great.'

'DAD!' Shane bellowed. 'I'm cold.'

Dan laughed.

'Looks like you've been summoned.'

'Yeah.' Kyle grinned. 'I better, y'know, get going.' He shuffled on his cold feet. The whole situation felt awkward.

'It's good to see you.' Dan stepped closer and held out his hand for Kyle to shake. He took it. They stared at each other for a second before each pulling the other into a hug. Kyle held him tightly for a few moments before letting go with a heavy sigh.

'Take care, ok?'

'You too.'

The two men both turned and walked away. Kyle glanced back once, but Dan was gone. It was almost like he'd disappeared into thin air. He wondered for just a minute if he'd imagined it all. It felt surreal.

'Who was that?' Mikey asked as Kyle got into the warmth of the car. He was relieved that Mikey had seen him too.

'Just someone I used to know.' He started up the engine and adjusted his seatbelt. They drove away from the graveyard, Kyle feeling like years of pain and hurt had been washed away. He had looked good, happy, free from his demons at last. 'An old friend.' He smiled.

Thanks for reading, everyone. It's always a pleasure to write and have it so well received. I've posted a new one up already, Raising Daniel. It's a bit of a sad one (that seems to be what I do best!) so I hope you enjoy xx

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