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'So I need to go back to work tomorrow. I'm only down the road and it'll only be for a few hours a day. You're welcome to come with me or you can chill out here. Up to you, buddy.'

'I think I might stay here,' he decided after a moment, 'if that's alright, Eve?' He turned to her.

'Absolutely. I've got some jobs that need doing, if you wouldn't mind...?'

'Yeah sure. Would love to help out.'

'Great, well it's just stuff like sorting the garden shed and cleaning down the boys toys.'

'Cool. Yeah. Anything to help out.' They continued to eat their dinner without another mention of it, but Kyle was concerned. Up until that shopping trip the day before, he had thought Dan would be fine. But seeing him retreat back into his shell because of the stupid newspapers had worried Kyle. He didn't feel comfortable leaving Dan on his own just yet. He knew he didn't need watching every hour of the day like a child, but he was concerned that if he started to panic and freak out he could run away again. Kyle planned on ringing him every hour but would that make him paranoid and more likely to panic and freak out? He started to wish Dan had stayed in hospital a bit longer until Kyle could get his head around things too.

'Ungle Dan?' Shane said sweetly, unable to pronounce 'uncle'. 'Planes?' He asked as he pointed past the dinning room door to his play room.

'Not tonight sweetie, we're eating dinner and going to bed.' Eve said quickly. Kyle noticed Dan smile regretfully at Shane and then look down at his plate. He must've noticed Eve's reluctance to let Dan be alone with the children, and that certainly didn't help his confidence. Kyle wished he could just treat Dan like he used to. But the truth was, he couldn't. Not yet anyway.

The boys washed up the pots whilst Eve put the children to bed. It was mostly in silence. Kyle tried small talk, but he found Dan wasn't really up for talking. This made him even more concerned about the next day.

'You alright?' He asked. Dan shrugged and smiled. 'Because if you want, I can not go in tomorrow, I can work from home, it's no worry.'

'You should go. I'll be fine.' Dan finally met Kyles gaze. 'Honestly.'

'I'm just not sure you're ready...'

'Kyle, I know you mean well, but I will be fine. I'll do what Eve needs me to do and I'll probably sleep the rest of it. I'm just a bit tired, thats all.'

'You sure?'

'I'm sure.' It did relieve Kyle's mind a bit.

Normal he and Eve would put the children to bed and sit in front of the tv with a glass of wine. But before Dan had come home they had thrown away every bottle, along with locking away all prescription drugs, even down to the kids Calpol. So now the three of them sat on the sofas with orange juice, watching X Factor. Kyle occasionally glanced over to Dan, still struggling to get his head around him being there, in his house, alive and well.

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