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'What the hell are you talking about? You're hammered, you don't even-'

'I was driving. I hit her. It was me.'

Dan stared at Kyle. There wasn't a hint of this being a cruel joke. Kyle was being genuine. This wasn't some drunken confusion. The tears pouring down his cheeks were real. The pure agony on his face was real. Dan fell back onto the stairs, feeling like an electric shock had pulsed through him. He couldn't speak, he couldn't understand what was going on. Kyle's sobs echoed throughout the house.

'No.' He finally whispered. 'No. How could you...she ran out in front of...a...a car....' Dans voice trailed off into a whispered. He looked into his friends brown eyes, full of tears. He could see the terror in them. 'You?' Barely a sound came out of his mouth.

'I didnt know....I didnt know it was her Dan. I'd never even met her. And then with you going missing, how could I have known it was her? She came out of no where. I can still see her face, every single day. I have lived with it for four years. And now...now I find out she's the reason I lost my best friend too?'

Dan said nothing. His brain couldn't fathom what to do next. Part of him needed to comfort Kyle. The other part was desperate to wrap his hands around his throat and strangle him to death.

All this. From the very start, it had all been linked. If Dan hadn't of chased Sam, Kyle wouldn't have run her over and Dan would never have ended up on the streets.

'Dan.' Kyle cried. 'I am so sorry. I didnt know....' And then suddenly Dan found himself grabbing Kyle by the shirt, pulling back his right arm, his hand in a fist and bringing it crashing down on Kyle's face. He didn't know he'd done it until afterwards. It felt like her been possessed. The anger and the hate and the sadness had manifested into some sort of monster. He kept pounding and pounding, the knuckles in his hand breaking as they broke the bones in Kyle's face. But he just couldn't stop.

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